Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"


Secret to Productive Prolific Writing! ADHD and Passion

Secret to Productive Prolific Writing! ADHD and Passion

Every day (and I do mean every day!) I get at least one email with the question that never fails to be asked. But. It’s not the right question. . Question: How do you write so much and so often? (Usually two questions in one. Sneaky. I get it.) I have a book coming out soon called Write Anyway! In my new book I reveal all of my writing secrets, but for this post I will answer the real question. Yep, I know the real question. There’s always a real question! . Short Answer: Passion! . Long Answer: ADHD and Passion. (I gave it away in the title didn’t I? Darn ADHD!) . Even Longer Answer (there always is a longer answer): . ADHD has always been the answer. It’s written in the stars, in the sky – in the everywhere. But, there’s a trick. A secret, if you will. You […]

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ADHD Myths Debunked At Last

ADHD Myths Debunked At Last

I am going to debunk the myths of ADHD and tell the truth about it once and for all. Yes, the conspiracy exists. Why do we forget things? Answer: Forgetting things is something of intention, meaning that we do it on purpose and we have a special device that wipes specific memories from our minds. For example: people with ADHD do not like keys, they are necessary for too many silly things like, well, locks, so we wipe away the memory of where we put them. We can, and do, take memories of combinations, and people, and remove those too. Why do we repeat our mistakes? Answer: We like to make the same mistakes over and over again. If someone chastises us enough or blames us enough for our lost memories or making the same mistakes then we can automatically correct our behavior just by not using the memory wiping […]

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Just another Call to Arms! Adult ADHD

Just another Call to Arms! Adult ADHD

Have you noticed that adult ADHD is making more news lately? As a matter of fact I just read that approximately 65% of children with ADHD will grow into adults with ADHD, or rather ADD.  I personally suspect that the percentage is much higher. It’s impossible to know how many adults are wondering around undiagnosed, but it’s estimated to be in the millions. I was diagnosed when I was 37 and in recent years I have met a remarkable number of adults diagnosed at a later age, some cases much later. This of course lends to the belief that ADHD isn’t real. How can so many people have it? I don’t know, but we do. Adult ADHD is about as much a myth as Childhood ADHD. There is no myth about ADHD except for those who blow it off because they do not understand it.  Most people who don’t know much about me […]

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ADHD ADD & Hypnosis Treatment – Interview with Dr. Nancy Irwin

ADHD ADD & Hypnosis Treatment – Interview with Dr. Nancy Irwin

Dr. Nancy, thank you for offering to answer my questions concerning ADHD and Hypnosis. There are so many topics one can cover and so many treatments available, but I have to admit, hypnosis is something which has always intrigued me, especially concerning myself and the condition of ADHD. Dr. Nancy Irwin is a renowned doctor of psychology and clinical hypnotherapist in private practice in Los Angeles.  She is also a public speaker on a variety of topics, including hypnosis the power of the subconscious mind.  She is also the author of a nonfiction: YOU-TURN: CHANGING DIRECTION IN MIDLIFE (, and is a frequent media expert, having appeared on CNBC, Bravo, CBS, as well as scores of radio shows and mentions in The New York Times, Cosmopolitan,, The Rachel Maddow Show, The Huffington Post, and more. My first question is the obvious: Does hypnosis really work for people with ADHD? […]

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