Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

Hello, I am the Magic Man …………………………… ( With Attention Deficit Disorder )


Just goofing off not too long ago, and taking in all I have written in my book and on my blog, I came up with a song about me, ADD ADHD and living with my wonderous wife! The lyrics had been going on over and over again in my mind and I finally wrote them down a while back. Okay, I don’t consider myself a song writer or a poet or even anything remotely close — this was just fun and is from my ADD mind as is:


Hello, I am the Magic Man

Hello, I am the Magic Man
I will make you laugh, make you jump with joy,
I will excite you in various ways
I will make you smile and I will make you shine
I am the Magic Man

You will shake your head,
Cry with tears of wonder and awe
You will scale the mountains of my mind
You will see the world as never before
I am the Magic Man

I am the Magic Man
The man who knows the world
This is my world
I am the Magic Man
I am the Center of the Universe

I will bring you in
I will put the planets and stars in your eyes
And you will never be the same
I am the Magic Man
Yeah, I am your Magic Man…

I am the Magic Man
The man who knows the world
This is my world
I am the Magic Man
I am the Center of your Universe

Bryan L. Hutchinson
Jan 2 2008

If you are someone, in the music world, who can put this ADD ADHD song to use for us ADDers, simply contact me at bryan.hutchinson”AT” simply replace the “AT” with @ … This song has a copy right owned by me.

Hello, I am the Magic Man by Bryan L. Hutchinson © 2007

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