One of the biggest problems facing many adults with ADHD is credibility. Credibility is probably the single most important factor in becoming successful, no matter what the occupation or area. Talent, knowledge and ability are very important, but you can be overflowing with all of that and still not have a good reputation. Credibility is a part of reputation and it is more than reputation. Punctuality, performance, skill and creativity, talent, communication and reputation are all parts that create a person’s credibility level. If you look at anyone with or without ADHD who becomes successful they all have one thing in common, no matter if they are liked or disliked, and that is credibility. Some with ADHD believe that self-employment is the answer; however, credibility is actually additionally decisive when self employed. Credibility doesn’t have to do with rules. It has more to do with promises. If you have talent, […]
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