Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

April 2008

Credibility – Can be an issue for Adults with ADHD

Credibility – Can be an issue for Adults with ADHD

  One of the biggest problems facing many adults with ADHD is credibility. Credibility is probably the single most important factor in becoming successful, no matter what the occupation or area. Talent, knowledge and ability are very important, but you can be overflowing with all of that and still not have a good reputation. Credibility is a part of reputation and it is more than reputation. Punctuality, performance, skill and creativity, talent, communication and reputation are all parts that create a person’s credibility level. If you look at anyone with or without ADHD who becomes successful they all have one thing in common, no matter if they are liked or disliked, and that is credibility. Some with ADHD believe that self-employment is the answer; however, credibility is actually additionally decisive when self employed. Credibility doesn’t have to do with rules. It has more to do with promises. If you have talent, […]

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Think Outside The Box

Think Outside The Box

  Young adults with ADHD are described in many ways and here are some of the most common: Naïve, stubborn, immature, wet behind the ears, green, lazy, and flakey, stupid or dumb and there are some other condescending terms which are supposed to be positive, but because of the already mentioned terms, these following are not always intended to be positive: insightful, bright, go-getter and has potential – these terms are usually positive; however, when using them to refer to someone with ADHD they usually are followed by, ‘but if he or she could just get their act together’. Is ADHD caused by the food we eat? You know the additives and stuff. Is it cause by antibiotics or is it caused by heavy metals? In the last year I have had the opportunity to talk to a lot of people with ADHD and those who treat ADHD and it […]

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A Natural Born Pool Hustler – Thanks to ADHD!

A Natural Born Pool Hustler – Thanks to ADHD!

  For those of you who have been asking me for pool stories I am going to deliver, finally. I am going to reveal my secrets and be a bit more frank about my pool playing days and I warn this particular article could probably be used as a partial blue print for hustling pool, but keep in mind successful hustlers are actually very good players and many of them could be pros if they so desired. Real pool sharks down-play their abilities and the want-to-be’s usually vocally up play their abilities. You always know a loser if he or she claims to be good at pool openly. That may seem contradictory since I am talking about my days playing pool, but trust me by the end of this article you will understand what I am talking about. Unfortunately, pool hustling is the perfect fit for someone with ADHD. I […]

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Give my book away!

Give my book away!

That’s right. Well, at least loan it out. If you have read my book and your copy is sitting around somewhere, please take it with you on your travels today and give it to someone. If your a parent, take it with you to your child’s school and give it to a teacher or another parent. If you have ADHD, please consider passing it on to someone you know with ADHD. If you read it and you have no connection to ADHD, but relate to the book of a misunderstood and confused child, please pass it on to anyone who you think may read it. And, ask the people you pass it on to, to also, please pass it on to others. Please, take a moment today, or sometime this week, to pass on my book to someone you know who would be interested and caring enough to pass it on too. Thank you, Bryan 

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Smile to start positive relationships

Smile to start positive relationships

  Lately I have been talking to a lot of parents, adults with ADHD and many without ADHD. I am receiving emails from people who do not have any kind of learning disorder, but they have still felt misunderstood and confused about who they are. We are all human and we have all felt misunderstood at one time or another, all of us and some greater than others. Most of the recent emails ask about peer relationships and how to get along with others better. I am sure this has a lot to do with Keath Low’s interview and with the Peer Relationship Videos I have made. In this article I am going to address the most frequent and common question I get – how to create the start of a relationship? Well, I was reminded yesterday of how positive begets positive. And that is so true, lately I have enjoyed an activity […]

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Medication a cure for ADHD? And some not medicated suggestions for coping

Medication a cure for ADHD? And some not medicated suggestions for coping

  I have talked to a lot of people lately who want results through medication. I don’t have anything against medication and I think medication can help certain individuals, but the more I talk to people who have taken medication the more I learn that mediation is all some seem to have, that all of their hopes are reliant on medication. Someone told me recently that they would be more excited about my book and blog if it talked more about medication and if I had used medication to successfully overcome my ADHD condition. Sorry, don’t want to disappoint anyone, medication does help some people and I am happy it does such, but for a great many of people medication has not helped them and they still seek the magic pill which will help them break through the foggy barrier of ADHD. You know, when you read about someone overcoming ADHD […]

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Be a Star, Be an Entertainer, Be a Hero, Be yourself!

Be a Star, Be an Entertainer, Be a Hero, Be yourself!

A Star, A Hero, An Entertainer, An Attraction and lots of Fun – those are some of the gifts of ADHD I think it is abundantly clear that ADHD can be crippling in today’s society, especially in the educational system where standards and rules must be clearly followed in order to succeed. However, that is changing a bit with schools opening specifically for children with ADHD. I think that alone tells us how prevalent ADHD has become. There is no way to ignore or wash over the aspects of ADHD which causes many with the disorder to become depressed and emotionally unstable. And with that it is no surprise to me to see how closely ADHD and Bipolar mimic each other. Those with ADHD tend to be praised one minute and put down the next and as oppressed as we may be, the truth is, from another’s viewpoint, we deserve […]

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The ADHD life

The ADHD life

Trying to tell a story and getting a point across within a story is very difficult for someone with ADHD. We have a tendency to ramble on without ever getting to the point or at least we take a couple dozen extra, unnecessary words in order to do it – if we actually do it. Sometimes there is a simple answer, no complication at all, but we ponder and ponder from dusk till dawn on how to say it. I am no exception. I was very fortunate to write my book from great inner and outer inspiration and obligation and some of that came at a very high price, maybe too high a price. That’s an even longer story and if you have read my book, understood the meaning and purpose it has, then you know what that price was and it takes its toll. Those of us with ADHD […]

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ADHD is 24 hr reality and not just at 3 AM

ADHD is 24 hr reality and not just at 3 AM

I have been watching the announcements about how important a phone call is at 3 AM in the morning, but let’s not forget, most challenges can come at any time, day or night. ADHD is a 24 hr reality and the phone call usually will come during school hours or just after school during play time. Adults with ADHD often don’t even have someone to be called. ~Bryan

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Paris Hilton helping ADD ADHD kid in video?

Paris Hilton helping ADD ADHD kid in video?

I found this video on youtube of Paris Hilton singing “Nothing in this world” to what seems to me to be an ADHD kid who is being bullied and ridiculed. This is a very interesting video from Paris Hilton and it made me go “hrmmm?” I wonder what the inspiration for this video was? Paris Hilton has Attention Deficit Disorder and everyone who has read my book knows I talk about her and ADD together and my thoughts and observations. I also, of course, talk about myself growing up with undiagnosed ADD daydreaming all the time and getting bad grades in school, also about the ridicule and chastisement I suffered through as an adolescent due to my behaviors… After I watched this video it made me wonder what the inspiration was? By the way, I also sent my book to Paris Hilton, so maybe she has read it? Seriously, I […]

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