Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"


Deliciously Sexy

Deliciously Sexy

What do you long for? What excites you? Have you defined what you want, need and desire… …in someone to love, hold and live with forevermore? What is your innermost desire in another person – specific characteristics which stand above all others – do you know what they are? It’s important; believe me, it’s very, very important. You will never know what you are looking for until you define it. You will never find what you are looking for until you give it a description. They say that if you don’t stand for something that you will fall for anything. It’s the same with finding a true to your heart friend and lover. If you don’t know, you may seek out nearly anyone with a nice smile, pleasant demeanor and perhaps a little flash that shows seemingly genuine interest. And, you will be had! What’s so wrong with that? Have you ever […]

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A Natural Born Pool Hustler – Thanks to ADHD!

A Natural Born Pool Hustler – Thanks to ADHD!

  For those of you who have been asking me for pool stories I am going to deliver, finally. I am going to reveal my secrets and be a bit more frank about my pool playing days and I warn this particular article could probably be used as a partial blue print for hustling pool, but keep in mind successful hustlers are actually very good players and many of them could be pros if they so desired. Real pool sharks down-play their abilities and the want-to-be’s usually vocally up play their abilities. You always know a loser if he or she claims to be good at pool openly. That may seem contradictory since I am talking about my days playing pool, but trust me by the end of this article you will understand what I am talking about. Unfortunately, pool hustling is the perfect fit for someone with ADHD. I […]

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