Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

November 2012

ADHD Is What You Make Of It: Disorder, Deficit, Illness, Difference, Gift, or Life

ADHD Is What You Make Of It: Disorder, Deficit, Illness, Difference, Gift, or Life
Thumbnail image for ADHD Is What You Make Of It: Disorder, Deficit, Illness, Difference, Gift, or Life

From Bryan: This is a guest post by Dr. Rory F. Stern. He is an author, speaker, and therapist who specializes in working with families and children affected by ADHD to make sure their children have a chance to experience success. Thetruthbehindadhd It’s a misunderstood condition. For a long time now I have said, “ADHD is the most misunderstood condition of all time.”  Everyone and anyone with an opinion thinks they understand ADHD.  From your doctor to the Hollywood writer to the man on the street, and everyone in between, opinions widely vary depending upon who you listen to. And yet one thing is certain, no one can agree on much of anything. Some people believe ADHD is a gift, while others ask for a receipt so they can return this gift.  Other believe ADHD is an illness, and that you or your child need to be fixed.  Yet we know […]

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Wrecked by Jeff Goins – An ADDer’s Book Review

Wrecked by Jeff Goins – An ADDer’s Book Review
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I rarely write reviews for books on ADDer World that are not related to ADD / ADHD in some way, and yet while reading Wrecked by Jeff Goins, I kept being reminded of my own personal experiences with both failure and success and what I have learned from both. The more I read it, the more I realize that Goins is stating something I’ve come to learn about life that is critically important. Too often we get wrecked and we allow the situation(s) to not only bring us down, but also keep us there. However, sometimes the only way up is to have fallen. To have been wrecked! How does Wrecked relate to ADHD? Quite simply, we get wrecked all of the time, almost daily, but as in my case I did not consider embracing my failures and using them for the lessons they taught me.  It wasn’t until I was diagnosed with ADHD, and finally understood the reason for my […]

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Vitamins and Minerals for ADHD: Do Supplements Boost Your Brain Power?

Vitamins and Minerals for ADHD: Do Supplements Boost Your Brain Power?
Thumbnail image for Vitamins and Minerals for ADHD: Do Supplements Boost Your Brain Power?

From Bryan: This is a guest post by Caryn Talty, B.S.Ed., M.A.  Caryn Talty is the editor at Healthy Family, an organic living blog that has been online since 2007. She spends most of her days hanging out with her four wonderful kids. Vitamins and minerals are great for memory and concentration problems that come with ADHD. A lot of people don’t know about this, so I thought I would talk a little bit about vitamins and minerals for ADHD. If you are a parent I know what you are probably thinking about now. The last thing you want to do is give your ADHD kid vitamins that are going to give him or her excess energy. I hear you. More energy seems counterproductive for a kid who likes to hang from the ceiling fan and jump on the hoods of cars in his spare time. But hold on for just […]

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How to Use Rewards to Your Advantage If You Have ADHD

How to Use Rewards to Your Advantage If You Have ADHD
Thumbnail image for How to Use Rewards to Your Advantage If You Have ADHD

If you have ADHD then you are probably familiar with the fact that incentives such as rewards help us focus and accomplish tasks. But have you considered using these incentives as an advantage? What excites you, what enthralls you and what motivates you? Take note of those things. They are important. Usually we reap rewards for accomplishing something, but the experience is too fleeting. We don’t take the time to bask in the reward and take note of it. Here are a few examples of what I mean… Is your desk covered with clutter? Have you ever cleaned it and put it in such an organized order that made you feel comfortable and proud of its appearance? If so, consider how that felt, really think about that a moment and take it in. Have you ever cleaned out your car, gave it a tune up and went on a joy ride […]

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