Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

Guest Posts

ADHD Is What You Make Of It: Disorder, Deficit, Illness, Difference, Gift, or Life

ADHD Is What You Make Of It: Disorder, Deficit, Illness, Difference, Gift, or Life
Thumbnail image for ADHD Is What You Make Of It: Disorder, Deficit, Illness, Difference, Gift, or Life

From Bryan: This is a guest post by Dr. Rory F. Stern. He is an author, speaker, and therapist who specializes in working with families and children affected by ADHD to make sure their children have a chance to experience success. Thetruthbehindadhd It’s a misunderstood condition. For a long time now I have said, “ADHD is the most misunderstood condition of all time.”  Everyone and anyone with an opinion thinks they understand ADHD.  From your doctor to the Hollywood writer to the man on the street, and everyone in between, opinions widely vary depending upon who you listen to. And yet one thing is certain, no one can agree on much of anything. Some people believe ADHD is a gift, while others ask for a receipt so they can return this gift.  Other believe ADHD is an illness, and that you or your child need to be fixed.  Yet we know […]

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6 Life-Changing Reasons You Should Celebrate the Positives of Your ADD

6 Life-Changing Reasons You Should Celebrate the Positives of Your ADD
Thumbnail image for 6 Life-Changing Reasons You Should Celebrate the Positives of Your ADD

From Bryan: This is a guest post by Andrea Nordstrom. Andrea is a mental health therapist and the author of the blog The Art of ADD. Be sure to check out her blog and get a copy of The ADD Artist’s Toolkit (free). Having ADD sucks. Did I just say that? Hmm, looks like I did. Not being able to breathe under water also sucks. Why are fish and a limited number of mammals the only sentient beings blessed with the ability to navigate life fully immersed in water? I would love to frolic under the sea for hours without coming up for oxygen. But I wasn’t born with gills, so I can’t. I also really hate the fact that I can’t fly. I could get to work a lot quicker if things like traffic and gravity wouldn’t get in my way. The view would be amazing and the commute a […]

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Too good to be true ADHD scams

Too good to be true ADHD scams

I was just reading a post by Seth Godin and although it has to do with getting rich quick scams, it made me think of the quick ADHD cure scams out there. If you like, you can skip to the very last paragraph for the most important part! Too good to be true (the overnight millionaire scam) by Seth Godin You probably don’t need to read this, but I bet you know people who do. Please feel free to repost or forward: Times are tough, and many say they are going to be tougher. That makes some people more focused, it turns others desperate. You may be tempted at some point to try to make a million dollars. To do it without a lot of effort or skill or risk. Using a system, some shortcut perhaps, or mortgaging something you already own. There are countless infomercials and programs and systems […]

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Magical Mystery Tour, Life with my ADD ADHD partner

Magical Mystery Tour, Life with my ADD ADHD partner

     Life with my ADDer By: Joan F. Hutchinson  Itʼs definitely like being on a magical mystery tour when you live with a person who has undiagnosed Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD. ADDers like Bryan desire constant excitement, positive reinforcement, and acceptance for their extraordinary talents as well as their limitations. At first living with Bryan was both scary and exhilarating; it felt like driving at high speed into a glistening, dense fog, not knowing what to expect, but trusting that the fog would clear and reveal a wondrous path ahead for both of us.

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