Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

News about ADD ADHD

ADHD is a fad again?! Shame and Guilt are back!

ADHD is a fad again?! Shame and Guilt are back!

Seems things are going to get worse before they get better. I just read another article about ‘the myth of ADHD’ by someone who raised my eyebrows. Mr. Herr, an assistant professor in the Department of Educational Studies, Leadership and Counseling at Murray State University, wrote a recent article titled – ADHD: Has this diagnostic fad run its course? According to Mr. Herr, ADHD is a diagnostic fad! His article perfectly underscores my recent blog post about how a report in the media can be skewed by the headline (in this case the entire article). I am not going into detail about how accurate a report authored by an assistant professor of economics about ADHD children and misdiagnosis of ADHD at an early age might be (Youngest in class get ADHD label – another headline to go with my previous collection). However, people are paying attention to it and when someone who is an assistant […]

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Adult ADHD Meets the Today Show with Jennifer Koretsky

Adult ADHD Meets the Today Show with Jennifer Koretsky

Jennifer Koretsky, an adult with ADD, was interviewed recently on the Today show to discuss Adult ADD! It was a fantastic interview and good representation of Adults with ADD and ADHD! Take it mainstream Jennifer! Congrats! Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy For more information about Jennifer Koretsky, please visit her website.

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Michael Phelps Smoking pot, weed, grass or something in a bong?!

Michael Phelps Smoking pot, weed, grass or something in a bong?!

  I guess when you are insane famous a little photo can get a lot of attention, especially if you are considered the perfect role model. Truth is, nobody is perfect and nobody should be expected to be perfect. That being said, I read a couple recent blog posts about Michael’s situation and how his actions do, or better yet, do not relate to ADHD. Can you really separate the actions of someone with ADHD from ADHD itself? That’s a very good question. Check out these two articles which take a moment to put this whole shebang in perspective: Dr. Rory Stern’s take And another very interesting, no BS article by Jennifer Koretsky What do you think of Michael’s recent actions concerning smoking marijuana? Related to ADHD? Or just a 23 year old experimenting? Or… ~Bryan

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Blog Blogging Blogger Blogosphere

Blog Blogging Blogger Blogosphere

I blog, I love to blog – I love to share my personal experiences, thoughts and beliefs with you. I think blogging is one of the most important movements in the new world order. Yes, there is a new world order, more and more people are reading blogs and less people are reading printed newspapers! In turn more newspapers are offering their articles online for free. Good idea! However, it’s blogging in the blogosphere which has caught the world by storm and I mean bloggers who are just writing about what they personally care about, not necessarily about what they are being paid to write or being asked to write. Many blogs have more readership than many traditional newspapers. Why? I think one word can sum it up: Influence. When something is written on a blog by someone paid or asked to write, there is influence, or perceived influence, from […]

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Let’s give thanks! Thanks to you, me and ADHD!

Let’s give thanks! Thanks to you, me and ADHD!

ADHD has brought us together in a community of caring and common cause. We have discovered that Depression, PTSD and Fear are not simply the result of ADHD, but more often the negative treatment of one with ADHD by others due to apparent shortcomings in ADHD tendencies. Not only that, but also the way we treat ourselves for ‘not’ measuring up. Through our sharing we give each other hope and aspirations for better tomorrows. Let’s give thanks that The Brilliant Reality of ADHD is finally seeing the light, we are discovering that there is more to ADHD than the negative connotation associated with the abbreviation. The Brilliant Reality of ADHD is that you and I are not alone and we are possessing valuable talents and traits which are valuable not only to ourselves, but to the community as a whole. ADDers are the ones who were being left behind in society as […]

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Megan Meier Tragic Death – Depression and ADHD

Megan Meier Tragic Death – Depression and ADHD

By now you have probably read or heard about the tragic suicide of Megan Meier who was only 13 years old. It is reported that Megan suffered from Depression and ADHD, a deadly, yet not so uncommon combination. Due to Megan’s suicide a lot of people are taking notice and are darn right angry! They should be, but perhaps a bit too late? Dare I say Megan deserved better? So far it seems that neighboring adults had a hand in Megan’s fate by contacting her via MySpace and writing mean, hateful messages. That in of its self is very disturbing and not simply shameful, but evil, if it is true. Having been an ADD child I know what it is like to be different and misunderstood and I had some scruffs with my peers over my behavior, but had an adult taken upon him or herself to deliberately take advantage […]

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Comments, Suggestions and Ideas

Comments, Suggestions and Ideas

The reason I created Adder World was and is to help spread understanding and awareness of ADD ADHD. I speak from experiences I have had, what I have researched and the experiences others have shared with me. I do not claim to be a doctor or any other type of medical professional. If my experiences and what I have observed and therefore write about help bring awareness and inquiry to others, then I am achieving my said goal and hopefully more. You can help me! Read on if you really, really want to help…

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Dopamine lower in persons with ADD ADHD

Dopamine lower in persons with ADD ADHD

The Archives of General psychiatry published this month a report which concludes that Dopamine levels were found to be lower in a test group of ADHD adults than in a control group of those not afflicted with ADHD. You can read the report by visiting the Archives web site and the report name is Polymorphisms of the Dopamine D4 Receptor, Clinical Outcome, and Cortical Structure in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Here is the link:

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News about ADD ADHD

News about ADD ADHD

Here is a listing of sites that post News about ADD ADHD. From what I have checked these sites are regularly updated.

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