Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"


Having ADHD Justifies a Negative Attitude!

Having ADHD Justifies a Negative Attitude!

But is it helpful? Does negativity help someone gain friends? Is it a likable characteristic or make a person enjoyable to be around? Does it help one find a job or retain a job and become someone who is respected and admired? . I believe that our attitude is within our control and can be modified. . (Disclaimer: what follows is only my opinion, read it at your own risk. Take it or leave it as any reader sees fit. I have the greatest respect for those suffering from co-morbid conditions such as ODD or Bipolar and this post does not encompass co-morbid conditions.). There are many justifications for someone with ADHD to have a negative attitude: Considering repeated mistakes, mental, impulsive blunders, speaking one’s mind when one shouldn’t and oh, I almost forgot: forgetfulness. And much, much more depending on how much ADHD affects someone. . Not everyone falls […]

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What is the meaning of life?

What is the meaning of life?

  To be beat down, criticized, punished and live with regret and guilt all of our days?  No.   There is another way – a positive, self fulfilling way.  I am going to share that way with you. Life is more than we give it credit to be and yet too many of us live within a shell of fear and anxiety. We walk the halls of our life flinching from the slightest sound which echoes within our minds, on and on, and on. We fight against it, we try to be strong and we try to walk tall. We try to show confidence and strength. We go day to day wearing the mask of life as strong courageous human beings. But why does it have to be a mask, why does it have to hurt so much, why can’t we just be understood and accepted for who we are? Why […]

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