Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"


ADHD is a fad again?! Shame and Guilt are back!

ADHD is a fad again?! Shame and Guilt are back!

Seems things are going to get worse before they get better. I just read another article about ‘the myth of ADHD’ by someone who raised my eyebrows. Mr. Herr, an assistant professor in the Department of Educational Studies, Leadership and Counseling at Murray State University, wrote a recent article titled – ADHD: Has this diagnostic fad run its course? According to Mr. Herr, ADHD is a diagnostic fad! His article perfectly underscores my recent blog post about how a report in the media can be skewed by the headline (in this case the entire article). I am not going into detail about how accurate a report authored by an assistant professor of economics about ADHD children and misdiagnosis of ADHD at an early age might be (Youngest in class get ADHD label – another headline to go with my previous collection). However, people are paying attention to it and when someone who is an assistant […]

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Lara Honos-Webb, Ph.D. Books For ADDer World Members!!

Lara Honos-Webb, Ph.D. Books For ADDer World Members!!

Just yesterday Lara let me know it would be wonderful to donate ALL 4 of her books for giveaway contests on our ADDer World ADHD Social Network!! These will be upcoming contests and will be random drawings from members who get their name into the hat by participating with comments, replies and blog posts. We currently have two other books, after Bryan Robinson’s The Art of Confident Living, which will be given away in similar contests! The Books are by Dr. Nancy Irwin YOU Turn and Kenneth Kaye Ph.D. with Nick Kaye Trust Me. Not only can you win a valuable book, but you will also show all of us your tremendous ADDer World Sprit! Yeah! You ROCK! Check out the current contest for Bryan Robinson’s book The Art of Confident Living and get your name in the hat. Feel free to start participating today! If you’re not a member yet, […]

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Keep on Keeping on with ADHD

Keep on Keeping on with ADHD

  Sometimes that’s all we can do. Sometimes we do something tragic, something which is so disappointing that it hurts so much, the pain is excruciating, it resonates through our entire being and we just can’t help but ask ourselves… why? Why does it have to be that way… why does it have to be so hard… did I do something to curse my life, my existence… does my God hate me?   Ever feel that way? Ever curse the ground you walk on and just want to give up, lay down and say ‘no more!’? It’s so easy. It’s so natural. It’s so much a part of the condition we call ADHD that it isn’t something we want to describe or contemplate, it just is and too often we can’t seem to do anything about it.   I wish I didn’t, I wish I was… I wish… I wish… I wish… […]

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