Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"


Who are the Famous, Successful Women with ADHD?

Who are the Famous, Successful Women with ADHD?

Why don’t we hear more about them? . This is my attempt at guessing part of the reason: . I do not entirely know the answer. However, I do know that for a long time it was thought that ADHD was only an issue for males, but we now know that is simply not the case. Women have ADHD, too! And, I am certain there are many who have overcome, succeeded and who are thriving with ADHD. . But why don’t we hear more about them? . Two of the most successful movie franchises at the moment have women in the lead, doing action flicks as used to be only done by men (Underworld / Resident Evil). Some highly successful women are also becoming self-made millionaires and billionaires, leaving most men in the dust (J. K. Rowling / Sheryl Sandberg). . So what’s notable about these women and their success […]

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With Acceptance We Can Overcome and Achieve

With Acceptance We Can Overcome and Achieve

It’s true that with acceptance for who we are, and all which that encompasses, can we learn, overcome and thrive to achieve whatever kind of wonderful is for us. Far too often I read or hear people with ADHD berating themselves, putting themselves down and cursing ADHD, which is as much a part of who they are as anything else. Now, I am not saying ADHD doesn’t give us reasons to be ticked off, upset and feel dejected. Oh, it clearly does! But, you know what? No amount of self-deprecation will take ADHD away or force one’s self to be better or different or, heaven forbid, normal. It’s somewhat along the lines of a teacher scolding a child with ADHD with the intent that he can make the child realize that she is just lazy and, if she wants to enough, she can be normal and function in normal ‘accepted’ ways. The most […]

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Keep on Keeping on with ADHD

Keep on Keeping on with ADHD

  Sometimes that’s all we can do. Sometimes we do something tragic, something which is so disappointing that it hurts so much, the pain is excruciating, it resonates through our entire being and we just can’t help but ask ourselves… why? Why does it have to be that way… why does it have to be so hard… did I do something to curse my life, my existence… does my God hate me?   Ever feel that way? Ever curse the ground you walk on and just want to give up, lay down and say ‘no more!’? It’s so easy. It’s so natural. It’s so much a part of the condition we call ADHD that it isn’t something we want to describe or contemplate, it just is and too often we can’t seem to do anything about it.   I wish I didn’t, I wish I was… I wish… I wish… I wish… […]

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