Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"


The Brilliant Gifts of Hyper Focus and Positivity

The Brilliant Gifts of Hyper Focus and Positivity

(This post was inspired by an email I received from a young lady who was attacked angrily on a forum because she talked about hyper focus. The other person claimed it doesn’t exist.) I love to hyper focus and I do it on a regular basis, I’ve written many blog posts about it, I wrote extensively about it in my first book One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir and, I have additionally written an eBook about it in an effort to help others discover ways to hyper focus at will. However, although hyper focus is a well known ADHD trait, not everyone with ADHD can hyper focus easily, sometimes rarely and some seemingly not at all. I tend to believe everyone has been lost in focus at one point or another, forgetting to eat, missing a turn or, just realizing by looking up at the clock that whoa, so much time […]

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Healing ADHD with Avatar and How to Train Your Dragon – The Child Within

Healing ADHD with Avatar and How to Train Your Dragon – The Child Within

Let’s face it, we are all just a tad too serious most of the time and we take ourselves just a little too seriously. When you are under constant threats, deadlines, making the grade or trying to improve yourself, it’s hard to let your hair down and relax, but sometimes I think that is exactly what we need to do. I am learning to relax, chill-out and not take things so dog-gone seriously. We can get way too caught up in all the things we want to do and the goals we set for ourselves that when it looks like we are not going to achieve something, anything, it becomes the biggest let down ever, you know, like EVER – the sky is falling and quickly too! Let’s just take a moment and breathe. Take that deep breath in and hold it for a few seconds, then let it out slowly. […]

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