Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

We can be worthy, we can be proud! Don’t let anyone tell you any different!

We can be worthy, we can be proud! Don’t let anyone tell you any different!

I write from a simple, but, powerful premise: We all have good within us and we all can improve! Together we can overcome our struggles and achieve our goals. I believe we all have something inside of us that drives us forward, something that inherently lets us know that tomorrow is worth it – we might not always be convinced of this, we might not always demonstrate it, but, I believe it is there, within each and every one of us! I know full well that we face difficulties and certain times can be extremely difficult. However, with proper treatment and support we can overcome. From experience, I can tell you that living in a perpetual belief that there is no hope and using our energy to explain why there is no hope, well, creates a hopeless situation for our self. Find me a person who tells you he can’t […]

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Acting Mature or Being Mature

Acting Mature or Being Mature

Acting mature and being mature are two different things. To me ‘acting’ mature, is usually, well, just an act. I meet a lot of people with ADHD, from all around the world, from every level of society, and most have something in common, which I think isn’t really touched on that much, or, enough: We tend to believe that we do not act mature enough. I’ve been there and I’ve done that too. In my opinion ADDers are far more mature than most people I meet at any level: We are concerned, sympathetic, empathetic and resourceful, have a fair amount of common sense and find ways to make it when the odds are against us! We can negotiate, bargain and find a way when no way is clear. Every ADDer I have met wants to improve them self, tend to admit, and take responsibility for, mistakes and seek assistance. I have yet to meet one of us who has […]

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Physically Punishing Children – Slap ’em?

Physically Punishing Children – Slap ’em?

Yesterday I was in a downtown Frankfurt shopping mall when I saw a small crying kid get slapped in the mouth by his mother in an effort to get him to stop crying. She hit him so hard and it was so sudden that Joan and I stared at each other as if we were in some kind of weird movie. Thankfully, this incident immediately got the attention of a nearby security guard too. Predictably, the kid started crying more and when it seemed as though the mother was ready to try again the security guard stepped up to her, they talked and she left the mall with her small child in a huff of indignation. It seems to me that there are parents out there who are confused as to how to get their children under reasonable control and instead lash out with physical punishment. If, like with this person I told […]

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WIN a free autographed copy of Is it You, Me or Adult ADD by Gina Pera

WIN a free autographed copy of Is it You, Me or Adult ADD by Gina Pera

We are kicking off our new ADDer World ADHD Social Network contests with Gina Pera’s Is it You, Me, or Adult A.D.D. Gina Pera has generously agreed to provide a personally signed copy of her book for ADDer World! You can read more about her book on her website and I reviewed her book here. Member’s names will be put into a box and randomly selected to choose the winner. How to get your name in the box: 1) Write a blog post, or, forum post, also replying to any blog or forum post will be considered an entry into the drawing box. This means that each time you do any of the above your name will be placed into the drawing box, yes, multiple times; however, it only takes one entry to win and only one entry can win! The more your name is in the box, the better your […]

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Fear, Survival Skills and ADHD

Fear, Survival Skills and ADHD

Perhaps there was a time when certain fears protected us and even, yes, seemingly comforted us. We may never have realized the comfort of a certain fear and yet it is there because we are even more fearful of letting it go. Our fear can become our proverbial blanket of safety. When I was a kid growing up with undiagnosed ADD (ADHD inattentive) I had many fears that became like close, protective friends. These fears helped me stay alert for signs of trouble and by staying alert for signs of trouble I was better able to accomplish assignments, stay out of fights and make sure I was early for important things, such as, dinner. When punished, chastised, ridiculed and in general trouble often enough, we develop, quite naturally, survival skills which may (and usually do) involve FEAR. It is helpful at first, apparently life saving at times; however, the reality of such […]

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Updated Theme for ADDer World Blog

Updated Theme for ADDer World Blog

Hey ya’ll! I have updated my blog’s theme. Did you notice? Please, for heaven’s sake, tell me you did! Lie to me if you have to! JK. I have been wanting to update my theme for quite a while and finally got around to doing it. I was going to hire out and find someone who could do this for me. Well, the prices folks were asking were just too high and some of the ideas sent my way I did not feel represented my self-image. Therefore, I took to updating the theme myself! Oh, boy, let me tell you that’s one heck of a frustrating, time consuming and ultimately rewarding task! The problem with having someone else create your theme, and represent the image about yourself, is that updating it becomes complicated and for that matter, when others put their hard work into it and design it for free, well, that sometimes, understandably, leads […]

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What About Susan Boyle? What is your hidden talent?

What About Susan Boyle? What is your hidden talent?

Is there anyone who has not watched the heartbreaking, heart inspiring and just brilliant Susan Boyle Video on youtube? OMG! Think about it, nearly 50, never been kissed and in a dress our grandmother’s, grandmother may have worn! Everything and I mean everything looked to be against her when she got on that stage! Nobody in the audience gave her a chance and even laughed at her, and, she stood there smiling and laughing with them. She knew something they didn’t… What about you? Do you have something within you that keeps you smiling, even though everyone else may be laughing? I think we all do. Here is the YOUTUBE video, if you have not seen it yet! Never give in, never give up! We have been talking about this on the ADDer World Social Network, you can join the conversation. ~Bryan

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To be Free of ADHD

To be Free of ADHD

Will inspiration set you free from ADHD? Will a motivational speech or a book set you free from ADHD? Will you ever be truly free of ADHD? What will set you free from ADHD? That’s not the point, really. To be free of ADHD is to stop trying to be free of it. Now that we’ve got that settled. What can you do with it? ~Bryan

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Inferiority, Jealousy, Envy and Wanting – The Burdens of ADHD

Inferiority, Jealousy, Envy and Wanting – The Burdens of ADHD

It’s not something we want to talk about, it’s not something we want to admit and it is clearly something we are ashamed of. And yet, as much as we already understand our mistakes, our failures and our impulsive mishaps we do it more and more, to the point from which we see no return. ADHD are symptoms of a magnitude and force which no one, and I mean, no one, who does not have ADHD can truly empathize with, because, no matter how well they understand our symptoms and can explain them with detailed clarity, they do not live with them as part of their self-internal life force. And, as much as each of us relates so well with each other that have ADHD, there are even differences between us that elude our recognition – no matter how familiar we are with each other, and, we are, remarkably, naturally […]

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B-Calm audio sedation for the ADHD mind – a Review

B-Calm audio sedation for the ADHD mind – a Review

Having searched the world over, somewhat in vain, for external solutions to help me with ADHD,  I am not the type of person that jumps on any bandwagon which claims to assist or improve the ADHD mind. With that said: When I write I like to have music on in the background and sometimes I like to have the TV and even the radio on, all at the same time. You might think that would be distracting. Not for me. Having so much going on actually helps me calm down and focus. If I can get the right buzz of noise going, then I often zone into hyper-focus mode and I got to tell you, I love it when that happens. However, getting the right buzz going is usually a rarity! Recently, a newer member on ADDer World, our ADHD interactive social website, promoted his B-Calm audio sedation system on his […]

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