Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

You know You Have ADD ADHD When

You know You Have ADD ADHD When

I was just reading through one of our ADDer World Social Network Forum Topics, which has brought a smile to our faces and, maybe a cringe of recognition from time to time:  You know you have ADD ADHD when… I almost fell out of my chair when I read about Gary’s struggles with locking his key in his Van and therefore needing to climb through the back hatch! Lucky the back hatch was open. It seems he remembers to keep the back hatch open perhaps for a reason, which has reminded me of the time when I was first dating Joan… My old Toyota Corolla was an extremely reliable car. I loved my TC, I purchased it when it was just a year old in 1996 and finally turned ‘er in last year and never, in the 12 years we were together (yes, a bit too intimate I know) did she […]

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Don’t let the Science of ADHD fool you!

Don’t let the Science of ADHD fool you!

Thanks to the science of ADHD we have medication which is helping people cope day to day, and for some fortunate people medication has completely changed the way they live their lives for the better. Without science ADHD would not be classified as a disorder and we would still be stuck in the dark ages of ADHD, meaning ADDers are considered dumb, stupid, lazy, and unmotivated etc…  Without the science of ADHD some may still be spanking and punishing children in ways that are unhelpful and destructive. Science has pointed out that such corporal punishment can be detrimental to a child’s intellectual and emotional development. I may never be able to put into words how thankful I am for this type of research. We now know that the symptoms of ADHD can be quantified, thanks to scientific research and accordingly diagnosed by qualified professionals. I am extremely thankful to the science of ADHD! However, […]

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Resistance is Not Futile

Resistance is Not Futile

I can feel the flames, low, smoldering, dancing waves of heat below; I can feel them grow more intense, warmer until they’re almost unbearably hot. The flames are rising, and I can almost taste the heat, so thick and pure. I can feel it. Can you feel it? I say it so often, to never give up and to never give in. It’s so easy to do. To give up, to give in and to let the flames die, without feeding them, let them starve… futility. Too many times I read things that are hurtful, painful and faithless. There are children who do nothing wrong but are born with a disability that makes them difficult, that makes them challenging, that makes them different. And for that, many are punished, treated wrongly, told they will never make it, that all hope is just a dream and dreams are for bedtime. Therefore, the insinuation all to often is: […]

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Problems aren’t all bad, but I detest being fearful

Problems aren’t all bad, but I detest being fearful

  You know how often I wish I never had a problem? Daily, hourly, sometimes minute by minute. I pride myself on being a problem solver. I am very, very good at it – sometimes too good at it. I have been solving problems all of my life, to the point that I became so tuned for problems that I try to predict them… and you probably know what that means. I believe this is a habit created by having ADHD, especially when it was undiagnosed, I created most of my own problems, but I didn’t know why.  Fear is the worst. I loathe being fearful and yet all too often I feel on edge for no good reason. When I was a kid I mostly feared getting in trouble and being punished physically for it. That was a constant state of existence for me. That’s where it started and […]

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The Quantum Leap of Self Improvement

The Quantum Leap of Self Improvement

Have you ever experienced a quantum leap in your efforts for self-improvement? If you have, I bet you can remember exactly when you noticed it and perhaps for a few days or weeks, after noticing it, the improvement seemed to wane, but when you stopped thinking about it, it eventually became your next level of existence and the search went on for the next quantum leap. Or… maybe it didn’t, maybe you actually fell back to a level even lower than your previous level before the quantum leap? The search for self-improvement is fraught with difficulty, setback after setback always seem to get in the way and just when you think you are going to make it, well, something happens to disrupt the momentum. That’s just ADHD… right? Perhaps, perhaps not… Why is the book “The Secret” so popular? Because it held the secrets to happiness? I don’t think so. I […]

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How To Make People Like You

How To Make People Like You

  The key to making people like you is to be open, honest and forthcoming. Improve one’s self, be nice, caring and forgiving. Seems like solid advice and to a degree I am sure it is correct, it is the code I live by, but the reality is that not everyone is going to like us. No, no matter how lovable and adorable, or perhaps cool we may be. Actually, statistics indicate that some people are in fact predisposed to not like us and if we spend our time trying to make them like us, we may be wasting a lot of our time. As ADDers, we tend to waste too much time already. On the radio yesterday, I listened to someone give these statistics: 25% of people are predisposed to like you 25% of people lean towards liking you and could be convinced to like you 25% of people are predisposed not to like you, could be convinced, but it would be […]

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To speak or not to speak, that is the question.

To speak or not to speak, that is the question.

Back in the day when I played competitive billiards I had an excellent mentor, he was highly experienced, a champion and has forgotten more about billiards and the mental aspects of winning and losing than I will ever learn, but what I did learn from him has served me well in all aspects of my life. Let me share with you one of his gems of advice: He explained to me that there are only so many shots, postures and position plays one can learn, once you’ve mastered the technical aspects of the game that’s only 25% of the game, the rest is played in the mind of the players. He further explained that when I find myself equally or even out matched in a game to be very careful with anything I say – ‘No matter what you’re feeling, thinking or what you may believe, do not speak it’. […]

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What is ADHD?

What is ADHD?

When one starts writing an online blog, there should be a box to click that asks us to agree to the fact that once you start a blog there comes with it great responsibility, especially when you are writing about an issue that is quickly becoming one of the most important issues of our time: ADHD! The reality is that most people in society as a whole do not know what ADHD is or how it truly affects people with it. Bloggers are helping clarify our personal realities with ADHD by sharing experiences. The news media often describes ADHD as wild, hyperactive and troublesome and to a limited degree that’s a correct assessment, but usually this describes untreated ADHD and then only for a percentage of those with it, even then that’s only part of the equation. The truth of the matter is that ‘wild, hyperactive and troublesome’ are the […]

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Dr. Parker Demystifies the ADHD Medication Mystery

Dr. Parker Demystifies the ADHD Medication Mystery

Dr. Charles Parker is working on one of the most important books which will be published in this time of need. He is writing a comprehensive book about ADHD medications for you, the one who needs it most. There’s so much confusion out there, there’s so much contradicting information and some of us fear the medication which could help us move to the next level, or at least organize a few of those piles. Chuck sent me a link yesterday and asked me to share it with you. Sign up to be notified when his new book The Patient’s Guide for ADHD Medications is published. When you sign up to be notified about his book’s release you will receive a white paper about ADHD medications, here’s the outline of that paper: This paper is a comprehensive outline of my forthcoming book I want to keep you informed when The Guide […]

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Photo shoot Bryan Hutchinson

Photo shoot Bryan Hutchinson

  I recently had the privilege of having my photograph taken by Supermodel turned photographer, Catalina Emanuela Magee. I had no clear idea of what type of photographs she usually takes, so I went with an open mind and hoped for the best. I soon realized she’s not any type of photographer I am used to having my picture taken by! She’s a high fashion caliber photographer, which I have never had the pleasure of being involved with before. She’s been a reader of my writing for a while and already had ideas for me. Here’s just a sampling of the photographs, I hope you enjoy them! Please feel free to let me know which one or style of photo you like the best. In my opinion these are beyond any words I can come up for them and I am having great difficulty picking any particular one!

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