Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

Special Announcement Published! Brilliant Reality of ADHD

Special Announcement Published! Brilliant Reality of ADHD

I am pleased, proud and thankful to announce the publication of my new book: The Brilliant Reality of ADHD! In many ways The Brilliant Reality of ADHD is a continuation of my first book One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir and in many ways it set’s itself apart. When I started writing openly on the Internet, on this blog, I wrote strictly from my experiences, my life, my lessons learned and most of all, from my heart. I still write from all of those things and my writing has become enhanced by you, the readers. Thanks to your emails, your comments, your encouragements and yes, also your critique, my views and opinions have broadened beyond what I could have ever imagined. Thank you! A brief history: When I began writing my first book One Boy’s Struggle I had no intention of publishing it. It was an effort to get my thoughts into print for myself. After years […]

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Is it ADHD or Bad Luck?

Is it ADHD or Bad Luck?

A few weeks ago I was reminded of something which I sincerely and vehemently believed for a long time: Which was that I was cursed with a terrible case of life-long bad luck (if you have ADHD then you know what I am talking about). In my imagination I figured I must have done something terribly wrong in a past life and; therefore, I was paying the price for it in this life. Well, I was later diagnosed with ADHD, just as awful, I thought at the time, but not as unmanageable as pure, cross-a-black-cat, break-a-mirror, step-on-a-crack, bad luck. Let me tell you what happened, and feel free to let me know if something similar has happened to you. Nobody wants to be alone in their follies, right? I was checking text messages on my iphone, while following after Joan into a local McDonald’s. She was gaining some distance ahead of me […]

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May Michael Jackson Rest in a Better Place

May Michael Jackson Rest in a Better Place

There are few times in life when an event has such an impact that one never forgets where they were when it happened. The first space shuttle disaster, Challenger, the death of Princess Diana and 9/11 are events I will never ever forget exactly where I was at the moment I heard about them. Sadly, now Michael Jackson’s sudden untimely death is added to that tragic list. Both of my sisters sent me text messages that he had died, that’s how I found out. My sisters know that I was a huge fan of Michael’s back in the 80’s ! My younger sister, Marline, and I saw him in concert! The BAD concert – it was awesome, beyond expectations. Michael’s last 2 decades have been confusing, problematic and sometimes odd. Nobody could understand him and accusations didn’t stop. It didn’t seem like the bad news about him would ever stop and the […]

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Lara Honos-Webb, Ph.D. Books For ADDer World Members!!

Lara Honos-Webb, Ph.D. Books For ADDer World Members!!

Just yesterday Lara let me know it would be wonderful to donate ALL 4 of her books for giveaway contests on our ADDer World ADHD Social Network!! These will be upcoming contests and will be random drawings from members who get their name into the hat by participating with comments, replies and blog posts. We currently have two other books, after Bryan Robinson’s The Art of Confident Living, which will be given away in similar contests! The Books are by Dr. Nancy Irwin YOU Turn and Kenneth Kaye Ph.D. with Nick Kaye Trust Me. Not only can you win a valuable book, but you will also show all of us your tremendous ADDer World Sprit! Yeah! You ROCK! Check out the current contest for Bryan Robinson’s book The Art of Confident Living and get your name in the hat. Feel free to start participating today! If you’re not a member yet, […]

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Have you ever had a wakeup moment?

Have you ever had a wakeup moment?

Have you ever had a wakeup moment? A moment when you suddenly start thinking about where you are in life, where you have been and where you want to go? It can be satisfying or it can be disconcerting. I had one of those moments the other day and I was just plain confused by it. Seems I must be at some juncture in my life, at a crossroads, if you will. I felt frustrated, perplexed and excited, exhilarated – all at the same time. Do you ever just keep moving, keep doing, avoid thinking about any of it, because, if you do you might stop and realize something that you don’t really want to realize? Or, if you realize it everything might come to a complete stop and then where would you be? I am grateful for many things, things are happening, things are moving forward and yet, there are […]

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What Do Kids Dream About and Why?

What Do Kids Dream About and Why?

I am standing at the edge of a cliff; my toes are curling the edge, as I prepare to jump.  Before me is an open sky, beautiful and clear and, as I look down, I cannot see the bottom, just more glorious sky – this place seems it could be the edge of the world, maybe it is. I am calm, open, even smiling quite delightfully. I feel liberated. I should be terrified, I should be trembling and yet, I am not fearful, not at all. I step off, with my arms open wide as if I can fly and in an instant I can feel the air rushing against me, pressing against me, yet gently, almost hugging me, like a lover’s sweet embrace. I am flying. I really am flying! I am not heading downwards, no, not towards the unseen ground, which must be down there, far, far, below. […]

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Win an Autographed Book by Bryan Robinson Ph.D. – The Art of Confident Living!

Win an Autographed Book by Bryan Robinson Ph.D. – The Art of Confident Living!

It’s time for our next book contest on our ADDer World ADHD Social Network! As a member of our ADDer World ADHD Social Network you can win a free, autographed copy The Art of Confident Living by Bryan Robinson Ph.D. I have read many books already this year and am determined to expand my horizons via reading as much as I can. Robinson’s book is one of the most fascinating and helpful books I have read! I wrote about it here. When I contacted Bryan Robinson, he was kind, generous and excited to donate a signed copy of his book for our members to win! A special shout-out thanks to Dr. Robinson! The rules for this contest are very simple: If you refer someone to ADDer World and they use your name in the referral space provided, then your name will be put into the hat each and every time your […]

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David Letterman – Sarah Palin and ADHD?

David Letterman – Sarah Palin and ADHD?

What do David Letterman and Sarah Palin have to do with ADHD? That’s a good question, one I intend to answer, in my own way.  Read on… We can thank people like Ty Pennington, David Neeleman and most recently, author/ADD Coach Jennifer Koretsky for stepping into the national spotlight on TV to talk about ADHD. There are also people with ADHD sharing their stories openly in memoirs and in blog postings, as I do. We need more awareness! I don’t mind the talk and belief in ADHD as a gift, because, when ADHD is managed well, some of our traits can be considered as gifts for some individuals; however, we need to realize and appreciate that most of the public still does not understand what ADHD is and how it affects people. I still read about others being ridiculed, joked about and chastised for their natural ADHD behavior. ADHD is […]

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Adult ADHD Meets the Today Show with Jennifer Koretsky

Adult ADHD Meets the Today Show with Jennifer Koretsky

Jennifer Koretsky, an adult with ADD, was interviewed recently on the Today show to discuss Adult ADD! It was a fantastic interview and good representation of Adults with ADD and ADHD! Take it mainstream Jennifer! Congrats! Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy For more information about Jennifer Koretsky, please visit her website.

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You Turn by Dr. Nancy Irwin

You Turn by Dr. Nancy Irwin

Don’t wait until you aren’t scared. You’ll be dead. Most of us are scared all the time! Change does not require fearlessness, but it does require courage. Courage is not being fearless – it’s doing what is right in the face of fear. Without fear, there’d be no courage. Dr. Nancy Irwin from her book, You Turn Dr. Irwin doesn’t waste any time in her book You Turn to let you know getting to where you want to go is already within you. The problem is that most of us are too darn scared to move, change and take advantage of opportunities that come our way. The thing is, as she explains in the quote above, many of us are fighting our fears and hoping, praying that a day will come when we are not so darned scared anymore. That day may never come, because, fear is what it is […]

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