Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

September 2007

Those with ADD ADHD miss subtle human communication cues

Those with ADD ADHD miss subtle human communication cues

We Adder’s are wickedly intelligent and able to perceive things that people without ADD ADHD have a very difficult time understanding, or rather, we tend to see things in a situation that are not yet clear to most people. As true as that is and as much of an advantage our perception and intuition is, we also have a disadvantage of missing the subtle human communication cues. I have an idea why that is and

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Making friends and building relationships – Part 2

Making friends and building relationships – Part 2

Why can’t you just act normal? Why can’t you get your responsibilities in order? Why do you act out? Nobody likes you because you don’t care about anyone else! Nobody wants to be your friend because you are so selfish and standoffish! If you would just be a little more normal people would like you! If you would just show a little more initiative then you would be appreciated! Quit feeling sorry for yourself, everything is your own fault anyway! Take some responsibility for your actions!  Any of those statements and questions sounds familiar?

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Positive ADDer Quote of the week – Albert Einstein

Positive ADDer Quote of the week – Albert Einstein

   ________ “Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school.” “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.” Albert Einstein I used two quotes this week or more! Albert Einstein is considered to have had ADHD and many even consider him to be the poster child of ADD ADHD! I wondered about that and

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ADD ADHD Coaching and Therapy

ADD ADHD Coaching and Therapy

I have received a multitude of emails asking if I am a Therapist or a coach. Many have asked if I would consider your case and be either your Therapist or coach. Let me take a moment to clarify myself:

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Latest update on “One Boy’s Struggle”

Latest update on “One Boy’s Struggle”

     My wonderful wife, Joan, has finished enhancing my Memoir. She has done a fantastic job, which is nothing short of extraordinary. We have let a few people give it a preview and I have posted the first written review in this article. All reviewers are really taken by the story and have found new insight from a rare perspective.

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Wife’s support of her Adder – Part 2

Wife’s support of her Adder – Part 2

  Recently, well a while back… a year ago? I can’t remember how far back, but it wasn’t that far back. It was October of last year… I think. Anyway, I try not to ramble on my Blog, but I can’t really remember the exact date. Okay, I will try this again—sometime last year my wife and I took a trip to Amsterdam. It was a fantastic trip and although I have been to Amsterdam a few times I have never actually visited anything of relevance, unless I was having coffee.

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Making Friends and Building Relationships – Part 1

Making Friends and Building Relationships – Part 1

Finding friends, good friends and keeping friends can be a challenge for just about anyone and for Adders this challenge can be overwhelming and baffling—oftentimes depressing and demoralizing! I speak from an immense amount of experience growing up with undiagnosed ADD. In my first 20 or so years of life I had maybe 4 total friends and only two of those friends could be called ‘close friends’, or ‘real’ friends. I wanted friends, I enjoyed being around others, but I would always say or do something that would turn people off towards me and I just didn’t know what it was. I have learned some of the answers and there was one I could identify with above the rest.

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Positive Thinking part7 post1:

Positive Thinking part7 post1:

 © Bryan L. Hutchinson Positive Thinking part7 post1:         Removing the roadblock Removing the roadblock we have created for ourselves is not an easy effort and it requires us to rethink the truth of who we are. The first prerequisite is to get over any blame. Blame won’t help anyone and is just more negativity that will keep us down, inhibit our future. Recognizing that there is no one to blame, no one to

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Positive ADDer Quote of the week, the first

Positive ADDer Quote of the week, the first

  _________ “Formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding. Hold this picture tenaciously. Never permit it to fade. Your mind will seek to develop the picture… Do not build up obstacles in your imagination.”   Norman Vincent Peale We Adder’s can visualize, with our creative minds, better than most anyone. We only need to take a hold of our visualizations and use those to our advantage! ~Bryan  

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Adder’s love to read

Adder’s love to read

  Ever wonder why Adders tend to be very intelligent people and know more than they should, considering ADD ADHD is a learning disorder? There is a misconception about Adders that we do not read or take in information very well. The truth of the matter is quite the opposite

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