Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"


Having ADHD Justifies a Negative Attitude!

Having ADHD Justifies a Negative Attitude!

But is it helpful? Does negativity help someone gain friends? Is it a likable characteristic or make a person enjoyable to be around? Does it help one find a job or retain a job and become someone who is respected and admired? . I believe that our attitude is within our control and can be modified. . (Disclaimer: what follows is only my opinion, read it at your own risk. Take it or leave it as any reader sees fit. I have the greatest respect for those suffering from co-morbid conditions such as ODD or Bipolar and this post does not encompass co-morbid conditions.). There are many justifications for someone with ADHD to have a negative attitude: Considering repeated mistakes, mental, impulsive blunders, speaking one’s mind when one shouldn’t and oh, I almost forgot: forgetfulness. And much, much more depending on how much ADHD affects someone. . Not everyone falls […]

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Making Friends and Building Relationships – Part 1

Making Friends and Building Relationships – Part 1

Finding friends, good friends and keeping friends can be a challenge for just about anyone and for Adders this challenge can be overwhelming and baffling—oftentimes depressing and demoralizing! I speak from an immense amount of experience growing up with undiagnosed ADD. In my first 20 or so years of life I had maybe 4 total friends and only two of those friends could be called ‘close friends’, or ‘real’ friends. I wanted friends, I enjoyed being around others, but I would always say or do something that would turn people off towards me and I just didn’t know what it was. I have learned some of the answers and there was one I could identify with above the rest.

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