Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

December 2009

Interview – Relationships and 2010 another New Year!

Interview – Relationships and 2010 another New Year!

The other day I came across an interview I did for in August 2008, not too long after I published my first book. Keath Low conducted the interview; she is the caring and wonderful guide to ADD for Keath wanted this interview to focus on peer relationships. After re-reading this interview I contacted Keath and asked her if I could re-post it. The reason is because in 2010 I will be publishing my next book Adult ADHD can be Sexy, this new book is about relationships, love, intimacy and ADHD! I have discovered that there is nothing I enjoy writing about more. Relationships have had profound effects on my life and to be clear I have made a lot of mistakes within relationships, heartbreaks that have lived alive and well within me years after relationships ended or went awry. In my first book One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir […]

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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! 2009

On our ADDer World ADHD Social Network, I recently re-posted my first Holiday / Christmas message from 2 years ago first posted on this blog, where I started my crusade. It’s hard to believe I have been writing this blog for nearly 3 years! WoW how time flies. With close to 400 blog posts in that time, you may think that I would eventually get tired of writing so much, but no, actually, I have also put together 3 books and 3 free E-books, well, let’s be fair, “The Brilliant Reality of ADHD” is mostly a collection of posts from this blog, so if you would like a souvenir, or want to support my writing or need a great gift idea, there you have it! This leads me to (I enjoy being led from time to time)… To a recent emailer asking me for tips and suggestions for dealing with the Holiday / […]

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Are ADDers the New Vampires?

Are ADDers the New Vampires?

Adult ADHD can be sexy for many reasons, the list is literally endless, and yet the majority of those reasons are not for good behavior. Being generally bad can be sexy too and if there’s one word that is synonymous with ADHD, whether it is spoken or unspoken that word would be: Bad. Bad Manners, Bad Behavior, Bad Morals and Bad Person and on and on… Bad, Selfish, Narcissistic, Ill-mannered, lazy, unmotivated, and Stupid, Idiotic, Procrastinator and the ever popular Crazy are just a few of the names which have become staples in the depository of names for those of us with ADHD. In Adult ADHD can be Sexy I address a few of them and yet it is impossible to address all of them, not to mention exhausting too. In the end, they all mean the same thing. And, guess what… Everyone has a touch of ADHD in them. […]

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Book Cover Adult ADHD can be Sexy Updated

Book Cover Adult ADHD can be Sexy Updated

  Thank you all so much for your input so far! You’ve spoken and I have listened!!! I appreciate it and how! The pink covers will NOT be used; those covers have obviously sent the wrong message. The piece of chocolate stays and the line about the chocolate goes. After reading the book the reason for the piece of chocolate will become clear. Dr. Nancy Irwin, one of our ADDer World Social Network members, was so kind and sent me a quote for use. If you’ve been reading my relationship, love and yes, even the sex related articles (shhhhhh!), then you have a very good idea of what will be found inside the cover of this book, but also with plenty of surprises! For any of our professionals reading this and would like to provide input, such as in the way of quotes, please send me a message for more […]

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Vote On New Book Cover Adult ADHD can be Sexy

Vote On New Book Cover Adult ADHD can be Sexy

ONLY MEMBERS  of the ADDer World ADHD Social Network CAN VOTE – Join to vote. A: B: C: I am testing book cover ideas, for my new book! Please let me know which cover you like, or IF YOU have a suggestion for a book cover and can demonstrate your idea in an image, please send it to me at my email address located in right column. Please make sure any images or designs you use are yours to freely use. If I choose a design submitted by a member, I will award the submitter free autographed copies of all my print published books: One Boy’s Struggle, The Brilliant Reality of ADHD and Adult ADHD can be Sexy! A final choice on the book cover will be made 14 Feb 2010 Adult ADHD can be Sexy will be available in 2010!

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