Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

September 2010

ADHD and Brain Cancer and PMA

ADHD and Brain Cancer and PMA

Liza, this post is dedicated to you. Even if you have ADHD or worse, brain cancer, you too can be a role model, someone others look to and are inspired by, if you so choose. I know such a person and I am always incredibly impressed by her motivational, moving nature and most of all her resiliency under incredibly difficult circumstances, circumstances I can’t imagine living through, much less keeping a Positive Mental Attitude. I recently found out that I have been suffering from Mono for quite a while and although I knew I was constantly tired and rather drained, I feared the worse, but blood tests proved negative for just about everything until one doctor said my symptoms appeared similar to Mono and he tested for it. Bingo! Did you know you can suffer from Mono for several years even though the worst symptoms may never develop? I didn’t. […]

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How to Blog – Ten 10 Lessons in Blogging from a Blogger

How to Blog – Ten 10 Lessons in Blogging from a Blogger

I have received many requests for tips on blogging. I typically respond with a link or two from the likes of great bloggers such as Seth Godin (my personal favorite) and a few others. I rarely share any tips of my own. Today I am going to share my top ten self imposed rules. They are not perfect, but they have served me well. Be honest. Blog from the heart and say what you mean to say without trying to guess what people want you to say. If you are trying to say what others want you to say then you are not being honest with yourself and not being honest with your readers. Be positive. Negativity will get you a few readers fast and they may become loyal, but this is the most limiting form of reaching out that there is. You will more likely repel the rest of the […]

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How to Blog – Ten 10 Lessons in Blogging from a Blogger

How to Blog – Ten 10 Lessons in Blogging from a Blogger

I have received many requests for tips on blogging. I typically respond with a link or two from the likes of great bloggers such as Seth Godin (my personal favorite) and a few others. I rarely share any tips of my own. Today I am going to share my top ten self imposed rules. They are not perfect, but they have served me well. Be honest. Blog from the heart and say what you mean to say without trying to guess what people want you to say. If you are trying to say what others want you to say then you are not being honest with yourself and not being honest with your readers. Be positive. Negativity will get you a few readers fast and they may become loyal, but this is the most limiting form of reaching out that there is. You will more likely repel the rest of the […]

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Book Review: The ADHD Effect on Marriage

Book Review: The ADHD Effect on Marriage

If you are in a relationship, especially in a marriage and you have ADHD, or your spouse has ADHD, or even if both of you have ADHD, Melissa’s book is one of the best books I have read for solving and overcoming relationship issues which are caused by, or influenced by ADHD. ADHD isn’t going away, but it is manageable and it doesn’t have to be the end all, be all of any relationship. However, to deny ADHD or try to ignore it, that my friends and neighbors leads to a never ending spiral of confusion, disillusions and heartbreak. Melissa’s book The ADHD Effect on Marriage can and will help you. As I have written many times, one of the major problems with relationships involving a person with ADHD is that we all too often are in relationships we shouldn’t be in. I have been there and there isn’t a […]

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Book Review: The ADHD Effect on Marriage

Book Review: The ADHD Effect on Marriage

If you are in a relationship, especially in a marriage and you have ADHD, or your spouse has ADHD, or even if both of you have ADHD, Melissa’s book is one of the best books I have read for solving and overcoming relationship issues which are caused by, or influenced by ADHD. ADHD isn’t going away, but it is manageable and it doesn’t have to be the end all, be all of any relationship. However, to deny ADHD or try to ignore it, that my friends and neighbors leads to a never ending spiral of confusion, disillusions and heartbreak. Melissa’s book The ADHD Effect on Marriage can and will help you. As I have written many times, one of the major problems with relationships involving a person with ADHD is that we all too often are in relationships we shouldn’t be in. I have been there and there isn’t a […]

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