Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

February 2012

SAY WHAT?! 5th Appearance in ADDitude Magazine

SAY WHAT?! 5th Appearance in ADDitude Magazine

Just wanted to take a moment give a short update that I have an article appearing in the Spring 2012 issue of ADDitude Magazine, titled: “Say What?!”. If you’re not an ADDitude Magazine reader yet, you can get a copy here. This is my 5th appearance in the magazine and it is always a pleasure to contribute. I look forward to appearing in ADDitude again in the future. . Speaking of appearances in ADDitude Magazine, one of the honors I am most gracious and proud of is achieving the Editor’s Pick for my book The Brilliant Reality of ADHD in the May 2010 issue! Although I most often mention One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir, which is by far my most well known and read book, The Brilliant Realty of ADHD is my second book and it has a very special place in its own right. The Brilliant Reality of ADHD is […]

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Who are the Famous, Successful Women with ADHD?

Who are the Famous, Successful Women with ADHD?

Why don’t we hear more about them? . This is my attempt at guessing part of the reason: . I do not entirely know the answer. However, I do know that for a long time it was thought that ADHD was only an issue for males, but we now know that is simply not the case. Women have ADHD, too! And, I am certain there are many who have overcome, succeeded and who are thriving with ADHD. . But why don’t we hear more about them? . Two of the most successful movie franchises at the moment have women in the lead, doing action flicks as used to be only done by men (Underworld / Resident Evil). Some highly successful women are also becoming self-made millionaires and billionaires, leaving most men in the dust (J. K. Rowling / Sheryl Sandberg). . So what’s notable about these women and their success […]

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The Jobs Crises! The past: Factory Workers = Normal. Can’t work in a Factory = ADHD?

The Jobs Crises! The past: Factory Workers = Normal. Can’t work in a Factory = ADHD?

Getting a job straight out of college or high school where you can work in your area of interest for the majority of your life is no longer a reality for most people. People have to adapt to the jobs that are available, that those jobs likely will not last but a few years and then they are faced with looking for entirely different type of employment. My question in this post is: what disorders might be discovered for the educated jobless who are trained to work in an employment system that is transforming? . We are in a labor transformational era!  I know we are trying our best to maintain an outdated education system that impresses upon students to stay in school, learn what and how we tell them to learn so they can get a good job, but civilization, like it did a hundred and fifty years ago with the industrial […]

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Do people with ADHD Scare the Living Heck out of themselves?!

Do people with ADHD Scare the Living Heck out of themselves?!

Or is it just me? . I don’t believe in ghosts, I don’t believe in ghosts, I really, truly don’t believe in ghosts!!! . I really don’t, but sometimes, well, maybe I do! . Okay, this post is not entirely about ghosts. It is about the ADHD brain taking something and making it much bigger than it really is. Last night (a few hours ago) I was watching my latest episode of Ghost Hunters. I love that show! Anyway, I fell to sleep and about 3am I woke up suddenly because I hear a loud bang! The sound came from the kitchen. I lay there for a few minutes, frozen, of course, my mind coming up with all kinds of scenarios (and yes, the supernatural is involved) so finally, ever so slowly, I get up and cautiously go check things out. . Everything looks okay, nothing out of the ordinary. It […]

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