Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

03 My Book List

Wrecked by Jeff Goins – An ADDer’s Book Review

Wrecked by Jeff Goins – An ADDer’s Book Review
Thumbnail image for Wrecked by Jeff Goins – An ADDer’s Book Review

I rarely write reviews for books on ADDer World that are not related to ADD / ADHD in some way, and yet while reading Wrecked by Jeff Goins, I kept being reminded of my own personal experiences with both failure and success and what I have learned from both. The more I read it, the more I realize that Goins is stating something I’ve come to learn about life that is critically important. Too often we get wrecked and we allow the situation(s) to not only bring us down, but also keep us there. However, sometimes the only way up is to have fallen. To have been wrecked! How does Wrecked relate to ADHD? Quite simply, we get wrecked all of the time, almost daily, but as in my case I did not consider embracing my failures and using them for the lessons they taught me.  It wasn’t until I was diagnosed with ADHD, and finally understood the reason for my […]

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Book Review: Buzz: A Year of Paying Attention by Katherine Ellison

Book Review: Buzz: A Year of Paying Attention by Katherine Ellison

  I was extremely excited to read Buzz to say the least. I had heard of the book and had considered ordering it several times, but as you may know I have ADHD. Sometimes I forget to order stuff that I want, no matter how much I want it! Well, a short while back I met Katherine Ellison and before I knew it we were emailing each other back and forth discussing ADHD and our memoirs. I asked Katherine if she would like to give a signed copy of her book away on ADDer World, the ADHD Social Network. She replied that she would love to and sent me a copy right away. Uhm, again remember that I have ADHD, because I gave Katherine a goofed up address the book went back to her and she nicely, and ever so gently, let me know. I admitted my goof and corrected […]

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Dr. Parker Demystifies the ADHD Medication Mystery

Dr. Parker Demystifies the ADHD Medication Mystery

Dr. Charles Parker is working on one of the most important books which will be published in this time of need. He is writing a comprehensive book about ADHD medications for you, the one who needs it most. There’s so much confusion out there, there’s so much contradicting information and some of us fear the medication which could help us move to the next level, or at least organize a few of those piles. Chuck sent me a link yesterday and asked me to share it with you. Sign up to be notified when his new book The Patient’s Guide for ADHD Medications is published. When you sign up to be notified about his book’s release you will receive a white paper about ADHD medications, here’s the outline of that paper: This paper is a comprehensive outline of my forthcoming book I want to keep you informed when The Guide […]

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8 Steps how to Super Focus at Will! Free eBook

8 Steps how to Super Focus at Will! Free eBook

New FREE eBook: 8 Steps How to hyper Super Focus at Will! This eBook is for anyone who wants to learn how to Super Focus at will! Especially for those people in sports, school or just need more control of their focus. ADHD not required! Thanks to a special article about hyper focusing, I recently published in ADDitude magazine (fall 2009), I have received many emails asking me how I learned to hyper focus at will and make it a beneficial trait I can call upon whenever I want. To clarify, I have used the term ‘hyper’ because it is most recognizable; however, I now personally call it SUPER Focusing. When focusing is not within one’s control, I believe it should be defined as ’hyper’. Although, when we purposely aim to achieve the state of being ‘hyper’ Focused at will, when we in fact control it to our advantage, the results can be extremely […]

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Finding your Soulmate – The Magic and Risk of

Finding your Soulmate – The Magic and Risk of

Do you believe? Do you believe in the one, the only, that special someone? Is there such a thing as a soulmate for each of us? If so, is it possible to go a life time without ever finding your soulmate? Or, is it possible to meet your soulmate and not realize it, passing by as two ships in the dark night? In Paulo Coelho’s Brida, an exceptional novel about finding one’s soulmate, Coelho describes finding one’s soulmate by taking risks, by making mistakes and by being with the wrong people until you find your soulmate. The other way he describes of finding one’s soulmate is by entering a state of trance in which one can see a bright spot of light over the shoulder of one’s soulmate. Paulo Coelho is known for taking complex ideas and putting his insightfully thoughtful twists on them. He wrote The Alchemist after all. […]

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WIN Nancy Ratey’s Book The Disorganized Mind Autographed Hardback Edition

WIN Nancy Ratey’s Book The Disorganized Mind Autographed Hardback Edition

Win a Free Autographed Copy of Nancy Ratey’s The Disorganized Mind on our  ADDer World ADHD Social Network  Nancy has generously sent ADDer World a personally signed copy of her book for the ADDer World giveaway drawing contest! You can read more about her on her website and I reviewed her book here. Nancy is also a member of our ADDer World ADHD Social Network, you can check out her page there and also, if you like, leave her a little ‘hello‘ comment. Thank you Nancy!

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Gluten Free Girl by Shauna James Ahern

Gluten Free Girl by Shauna James Ahern

I came across a delightful book the other day called Gluten-Free Girl by Shauna James Ahern. As some of you already know, I am allergic to wheat. That’s no fun and keeping wheat out of my diet is a chore, but, worse still is that I am also Gluten sensitive. Once you start trying to eliminate Gluten from the diet it sure can seem like eating food is suddenly tragic! However, that’s not really the case. The truth is, once I started to eliminate Gluten, I start to eat so much healthier! Contrary to popular belief, eating healthy doesn’t taste half bad; actually, after a while I discovered REAL food tastes much better than the over processed crud I had been eating for so long. It’s really no wonder I had always been feeling so grumpy and lethargic at times, especially when waking the next morning after a late night […]

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What you don’t know will hurt you!

What you don’t know will hurt you!

I was listening to an audio book recently: Challenge to Succeed by Jim Rohn. I recommend it to anyone interested in self improvement. In the audio Jim makes many good points about wealth, health and state of being. The most important point he makes is this: “What you don’t know will hurt you.” Any late diagnosed ADDer will tell you that this is too true. What if we had known 10 years, or, 20 years earlier? What if our parents had known and we were diagnosed as children? What a difference would that have made? We can deal with ‘what if’s’ all day long, but, what about today? Today there is a wealth of information available in books and on the internet. There is no reason we cannot self-educate ourselves about our condition, not in an information packed world such as ours. As anyone knows that reads my blog posts and […]

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The Answer… to ADHD? To Life? To Achievement?

The Answer… to ADHD? To Life? To Achievement?

The Answer by John Assaraf & Murray Smith should be required reading for anyone with ADHD. It’s rare that I come across such a book which is not specifically written for ADDers. However, reading through it, I sure get the sense it was written for the ADHD community! I will go so far as to say, folks with ADHD will probably ‘get’ this book while reading it far sooner than those without ADHD. A friend of mine sent me The Answer a few weeks back and asked me to read it and let her know if I felt the same way about it and if I did, to please write about it. I do, and more! Holy Smoke Stacks do I ever! Top achievers in any field have followed their innate talents, or what they consider their gifts. They do not pay any attention to their weaknesses, except for identifying […]

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The Dip by Seth Godin – Book Review for those with ADHD

The Dip by Seth Godin – Book Review for those with ADHD

The Dip by Seth Godin is a book I recommend for ADDers as highly as I do certain books written specifically about ADHD. (Seth doesn’t have ADHD, but he could have fooled me! *Correction: Seth reveals in the comments below that he does indeed have ADHD.) The Dip is a motivational and inspiring book about knowing when to give up, yes, give up, let go and when to not give up, – no, do not give up and stick with it, making it through The Dip. ADDers have a tendency to give up and berate themselves for giving up, but what if we should give up on certain things? Giving up isn’t always bad or as terrible as we perceive it, sometimes it is the right thing to do. On the contrary though, there are things which seem difficult and trying, but we don’t want to give up on them, no […]

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