Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"


Amazon Takes down Illegal Kindle Copies of Free EBooks

Amazon Takes down Illegal Kindle Copies of Free EBooks

Last week I posted about my free eBook, 7 Crucial Tips for Parents and Teachers of Children with ADHD, which was bootlegged, uploaded to and sold as a Kindle download. Amazon has taken down the illegal Kindle bootlegged copy, as they have taken down the other eBooks by me that were not authorized. This is a very important story, because Amazon is one of the premier retailers online which bootleggers / pirates have targeted and are using illegally. If I had not accidentally found my fee eBooks there to begin with then they would still be there. Why is it important to share this story? Because authors take a lot of time and effort to provide a market of free eBooks, if bootleggers are going to take them and successfully sell them as Kindle books, then we all may suffer by less effort to provide free eBooks online. Do you enjoy […]

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Illegal copy of my work on Amazon AGAIN! BEWARE!

Illegal copy of my work on Amazon AGAIN! BEWARE!

Readers please pass on this information that Amazon is again offering one of my FREE eBooks as a Kindle download and charging for it! Please share this post so that people are warned. The last time this happened with 10 Things I Hate about ADHD I only discovered it via a google search because it made it onto one of their bestseller lists. This time 7 Crucial Tips for Parents and Teachers of Children with ADHD is the victim of being illegally uploaded and sold as an unauthorized Kindle download! Someone is profiting from my work which I give away for free. I do not sell my free eBooks and I have not authorized my free eBooks for sell! The advice I have been given is to stop offering free eBooks. Is that really what I should do? This is frustrating and mentally exhausting. Amazon is a site of trust with an […]

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