Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"


ADHD Debate and the Proliferation of Hate and Anger

ADHD Debate and the Proliferation of Hate and Anger

  I am not someone that entirely enjoys debates. However, I do enjoy reading multiple sides of a topic that are presented in an intellectual, sophisticated and respectful manner. The New York Times is currently presenting such a debate that I enjoy reading from true professionals who avoid name calling or the attempt to bastardize anyone’s belief. Whether I agree with any of the debaters or not, I do respect the tone and the professionalism, which is something that keeps me reading and more importantly, open to other ideas or viewpoints. Sometimes I agree with one of the writers and at other times, I do not, that’s my prerogative and yours, too.   However, the main reason I do not enjoy debates and the reason I stay away from taking part in them is that they usually result in bringing out the ugliest of society who are normally decent people on a […]

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Don’t you just hate…

Don’t you just hate…

When someone assumes they know what you are about. When someone assumes they know what you are after in life. When someone assumes they know what makes you tick. When someone assumes your aspirations are similar to theirs. When someone finishes your sentences, but it’s not what you were thinking, much less what you were going to say. When you tell someone that you have ADHD, then a bunch of off the mark statements and knee jerk actions develop simply because they are now aware that you have it, but it is obvious they don’t really know what it is, much less how it affects you. Preconceived notions are usually wrong. Wouldn’t it be nice, instead of assuming something of you that they would have the selflessness to at least ask first? It’s said friendships are built on foundations of trust. However, something else comes before trust and it can be […]

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You are not alone

You are not alone

It’s easier alone. So it seems. Sometimes, the preference to be alone is so great that it is hard to break away from, it’s seductive and oh so quiet. When we are alone there is no one to judge us, no one to condemn us, moreover, there is no one to argue with. But, alas, being alone is so lonely. Not to know what to say, or how to say it if you did know. It’s so much better to remain in the shadow, hushed and alone. When alone, there’s no grade or compliance, there’s no role to play or correction to make. It’s easier to be alone, because, there’s no one to tell you that you are wrong, that you don’t have what it takes, that the way you live is wrong, that what you are doing is causing problems, that how you act is unacceptable. It’s better, just […]

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