Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"


Steve Jobs RIP Dead – ADHD?

Steve Jobs RIP Dead – ADHD?

Dear Steve: We will miss you, the world has lost the ultimate inventor, innovator, and shining light of what can be. You told us to “Think Different” and showed us what was possible if we did. To those who said it couldn’t be done, you did not only tell them it could be done, no, you showed them and then continuously improved upon it. To say you changed things is the greatest understatement. You’ve changed the world and your influence will be felt for perhaps the rest of mankind’s existence. Thank you for everything! Rest in peace.   In one way or another I think we all have been affected and touched by Steve Jobs. But there’s something so mysterious about him that confuses, yet amazes, even those who were close to him.   Who quits college only to attend courses he was interested in? Who can think up so many […]

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ADD is Real & Suprise Updates

ADD is Real & Suprise Updates

Remember the wonderful, helpful and sensitive video by a young lady talking about ADHD? Yes, that one! It captured our attention and exemplified for many of us, how we feel. The video is posted above, if you missed it. And if you enjoy the video, she’s joined us on our ADDer World ADHD Social Network, perhaps you would like to welcome her and/or comment on her video. Okay, I think I am done tinkering with the logo and site colors for a while on our ADHD Social Network. I say that, but you know I have ADD, so don’t count on it. However, I do feel I have finally aced the logo. Again, remember, I have ADD. You can tell me what you think here. New member, Jason, shares with us his very personal and revealing story. It’s touching and important, which is a good addition to uncovering ADD: Hi there! I’m […]

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Downloadable PDF Files of ADD ADHD Articles

Downloadable PDF Files of ADD ADHD Articles

  It’s taken me a while, but I have finally started coming through on a frequent request for PDF’s of certain articles. I have promised that I would create PDF’s of articles, but for the longest while I didn’t get around to it. I’ve started!! Finally! Whew! Let me tell you, it takes a bit of work to put this stuff together. I hope they came out okay. If you like, you can let me know in the comments. Here are the PDF’s in the order of most requested: Top Ten Dos and Don’ts in a Relationship with an ADDer Living with an ADHD Partner ADD ADHD Interview What Does Success Mean to You? ADHD Could be Affecting Your Relationship If I know others have been requested too and I will get to them in due time (I hope); however, in the meantime you can also send yourself PDF’s of […]

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The Gift – The Curse – The Brilliant Reality of ADHD

The Gift – The Curse – The Brilliant Reality of ADHD

I am pleased, proud and thankful to announce the publication of my new book: The Brilliant Reality of ADHD! In many ways The Brilliant Reality of ADHD is a continuation of my first book One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir and in many ways it set’s itself apart. When I started writing openly on the Internet, on this blog, I wrote strictly from my experiences, my life, my lessons learned and most of all, from my heart. I still write from all of those things and my writing has become enhanced by you, the readers. Thanks to your emails, your comments, your encouragements and yes, also your critique, my views and opinions have broadened beyond what I could have ever imagined. Thank you! A brief history: When I began writing my first book One Boy’s Struggle I had no intention of publishing it. It was an effort to get my thoughts […]

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