Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"


ADHD E-Books For You!

ADHD E-Books For You!

Just about every day I receive an email about my eBooks, how to get them, the cost, etc… They are fr-ee, you can share them with anyone that you like, you can repost them, etc… etc… here is the link to all 3 E-books, You do not have to do anything except click on the cover of any one you like and then SAVE it to your computer forever and ever, because it’s now yours! If you like, after you read, then you can email it to people or post to your website. No hoops to jump through, no requirement from you whatsoever! 1 of the eBooks will make it into print this summer! Can YOU guess which one? Have fun, enjoy and share 🙂 (edit) instead of a link to the post, I have copied over the files here for you: Click on the cover of the eBooks to download, save […]

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So many ideas! What to do with them?

So many ideas! What to do with them?

Do you ever have so many ideas, thoughts and inspirations going on in your head you just feel dizzy from all of them? Sometimes I feel like a computer hooked up to a whole network of other alien computers, which are giving me ideas from all across the nodes. I call them alien computers, because, to be quite honest about it, some of the ideas make me shake my head and wonder “where did that idea come from?” That used to drive me crazy. But since writing my blogs, books and now eBooks I have found ways to get those thoughts out of my head and into forms I can ‘see’ them, work with them and share them.   Does your mind do that? – send you ideas constantly, one after the other and it leaves you rolling, wondering what to do with all of them? I was reading a blog post by voodoo […]

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You Can Learn to Harness Your Ability to Focus and Concentrate Better – eBook

You Can Learn to Harness Your Ability to Focus and Concentrate Better – eBook

Since I have started this blog and published my first book One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir, the most frequent and prevalent inquires I have received have been about hyper focusing. Most have been from people who want to control it in some way. Anyone, with or without ADHD can control their ability to focus at will. I truly believe that. For those of us with ADHD it is far more challenging; however, when it is achieved at will, it can be repeated and eventually harnessed – if you are willing to take the steps to get there! The ‘willing‘ (motivation) part can get in our way, especially if you have ADHD; therefore, this eBook is written specifically with that in mind. The inquiries have come from all sorts of people from various backgrounds and, interestingly I started to realize that a great many of the inquiries were coming from people who do not […]

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8 Steps how to Super Focus at Will! Free eBook

8 Steps how to Super Focus at Will! Free eBook

New FREE eBook: 8 Steps How to hyper Super Focus at Will! This eBook is for anyone who wants to learn how to Super Focus at will! Especially for those people in sports, school or just need more control of their focus. ADHD not required! Thanks to a special article about hyper focusing, I recently published in ADDitude magazine (fall 2009), I have received many emails asking me how I learned to hyper focus at will and make it a beneficial trait I can call upon whenever I want. To clarify, I have used the term ‘hyper’ because it is most recognizable; however, I now personally call it SUPER Focusing. When focusing is not within one’s control, I believe it should be defined as ’hyper’. Although, when we purposely aim to achieve the state of being ‘hyper’ Focused at will, when we in fact control it to our advantage, the results can be extremely […]

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10 Most Positive Things About ADHD eBook

10 Most Positive Things About ADHD eBook

I have spent the last week putting together what is probably the most important and special project I have worked on in a while. It is a new eBook which I am presenting free to anyone interested in reading it and passing it on: “10 Most Positive Things about ADHD” Special thanks to my very special wife, Joan, for helping me complete this creation. If she hadn’t come to my rescue it may have taken a much longer time to get this finished! Ah, I am a lucky guy! ~Bryan

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