I found this video on youtube of Paris Hilton singing “Nothing in this world” to what seems to me to be an ADHD kid who is being bullied and ridiculed. This is a very interesting video from Paris Hilton and it made me go “hrmmm?” I wonder what the inspiration for this video was? Paris Hilton has Attention Deficit Disorder and everyone who has read my book knows I talk about her and ADD together and my thoughts and observations. I also, of course, talk about myself growing up with undiagnosed ADD daydreaming all the time and getting bad grades in school, also about the ridicule and chastisement I suffered through as an adolescent due to my behaviors… After I watched this video it made me wonder what the inspiration was? By the way, I also sent my book to Paris Hilton, so maybe she has read it? Seriously, I […]
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