Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

Paris Hilton ADD

Paris Hilton helping ADD ADHD kid in video?

Paris Hilton helping ADD ADHD kid in video?

I found this video on youtube of Paris Hilton singing “Nothing in this world” to what seems to me to be an ADHD kid who is being bullied and ridiculed. This is a very interesting video from Paris Hilton and it made me go “hrmmm?” I wonder what the inspiration for this video was? Paris Hilton has Attention Deficit Disorder and everyone who has read my book knows I talk about her and ADD together and my thoughts and observations. I also, of course, talk about myself growing up with undiagnosed ADD daydreaming all the time and getting bad grades in school, also about the ridicule and chastisement I suffered through as an adolescent due to my behaviors… After I watched this video it made me wonder what the inspiration was? By the way, I also sent my book to Paris Hilton, so maybe she has read it? Seriously, I […]

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Britney Spears Reported to have ADD ADHD?

Britney Spears Reported to have ADD ADHD?

That’s what I have either been told or asked the last couple days. Folks sending me emails and links letting me know she has ADD or ADHD. Lots of people are reported to have this or that, but it doesn’t always mean that they really do. Some may believe she has ADD/ADHD and maybe she does, I don’t know and I can’t answer that. I don’t know her and I don’t have any connection to her. I feel for her. She is obviously going through something dramatic and serious. I have read a lot of the articles sent to me and all I can think about is that I hope she gets the help she needs. Some of the photos in those articles are disturbing to me and I will not post any of those links here, so although I understand the reasons for sending me such articles about Britney, please […]

Read More mentions “One Boy’s Struggle”! mentions “One Boy’s Struggle”!

Big thanks to the folks at Paris Hilton! They have posted an article announcing the publication of my book. A few months ago they also posted a link back to Adder World about an article I wrote concerning Paris Hilton and ADD, you can read it here! The article I wrote about Paris Hilton has been one of the most popular articles I have written.  ~Bryan

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Comments, Suggestions and Ideas

Comments, Suggestions and Ideas

The reason I created Adder World was and is to help spread understanding and awareness of ADD ADHD. I speak from experiences I have had, what I have researched and the experiences others have shared with me. I do not claim to be a doctor or any other type of medical professional. If my experiences and what I have observed and therefore write about help bring awareness and inquiry to others, then I am achieving my said goal and hopefully more. You can help me! Read on if you really, really want to help…

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Is Britney Spears done? I don’t think so

Is Britney Spears done? I don’t think so

Or, is she washed up? Or, has she lost her mind? What’s wrong with her!?! Those questions, with tons of negative commentary, about Britney Spears seem to be the only headlines, worldwide, on the web the last couple days. I think that says a lot about today’s society. I think it is very sad when

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Dear Stacey W.

Dear Stacey W.

I just approved your comment. I want to thank you for your enthusiasm concerning my article about Paris Hilton and her situation with ADD. I normally would not write a post for a comment, however, you asked some important questions and I want to take a moment to answer them. Others might have the same questions: Unfortunately, no, I do not have a way of contacting Ms. Hilton. When I write about someone I try to let them know that their name has been mentioned. I did leave a message on CNN’s site for Larry King. No, I have not heard from him. Yes, I do believe we could spread the word and awareness of ADD together if she so desired. Yes, I did write a little about ADD and Ms. Hilton in my book. It is a short concise part similar, but shorter, than the article I wrote and […]

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The wonderful people at posted parts of my article on Paris Hilton and her ADD! If you ever wanted to know as much as possible about Paris Hilton, I gotta admit, their site has the info! You know, just the other day I heard someone talking about how stupid Paris Hilton was for saying she read the bible and then couldn’t remember what she read on Larry King, and then that person mentioned how Larry King just let her get away with it! Let me make something very, very clear. Obviously, Larry King understands the disorder of ADD. An Adder could read a book 20 times and might never remember any exact quote from the book, unless, the book was in hand at the time of the request. Ever wonder why we have so much difficulty in school? I am sure she read what she said she read, but, […]

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Larry King’s transcript Paris Hilton interview

Larry King’s transcript Paris Hilton interview

For those that missed the interview: It was during this interview that she admitted to having ADD. ~Bryan   

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Paris Hilton has ADD and she is Awesome!

Paris Hilton has ADD and she is Awesome!

Now I want to talk about Paris Hilton. She’s an Adder! When I heard the news that she is an Adder I wasn’t the least bit surprised and actually, I really, well, expected it. She has all the traits. Think about it: She seems naïve, but she’s not. She said she just acted dumb, but that she’s really not. How many of us Adders have said this in our lives just to cover up our ADD or ADHD? She’s still young and I remember at her age I used to say things and do things I wish I hadn’t—heck, I still do. We Adders are impulsive, ingenious yes, but we are so impulsive and our minds work so fast that we say things before we have formed them in proper sentences or worked them out in a way that the general public can understand. Because we do that, sometimes, well, […]

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