Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

000 Brilliant Reality of ADHD

Major Landmark for People with ADHD everywhere! Pass it on

Major Landmark for People with ADHD everywhere! Pass it on

My publishing company’s monthly newsletter came out yesterday revealing the top 3 selling authors for June (pictured above) overall, not just by categories. Suddenly it hit home for me when I saw the newsletter. This isn’t just about my books, or becoming a bestselling author, this is about ADHD books making it out of category, rising above stigma and ultimately, a triumph for people with ADHD everywhere and those who are close to us! I posted about the achievement of my books a little while back when I first received notice, but the full significance had not hit home yet, not entirely, not until now.   When an ADHD book series became bestsellers of a publishing company this last June it was not only a moment to celebrate, but also time to truly think about what this means for us as a community. Consider that we are talking about an ADHD […]

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You are not alone

You are not alone

It’s easier alone. So it seems. Sometimes, the preference to be alone is so great that it is hard to break away from, it’s seductive and oh so quiet. When we are alone there is no one to judge us, no one to condemn us, moreover, there is no one to argue with. But, alas, being alone is so lonely. Not to know what to say, or how to say it if you did know. It’s so much better to remain in the shadow, hushed and alone. When alone, there’s no grade or compliance, there’s no role to play or correction to make. It’s easier to be alone, because, there’s no one to tell you that you are wrong, that you don’t have what it takes, that the way you live is wrong, that what you are doing is causing problems, that how you act is unacceptable. It’s better, just […]

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What is the meaning of life?

What is the meaning of life?

  To be beat down, criticized, punished and live with regret and guilt all of our days?  No.   There is another way – a positive, self fulfilling way.  I am going to share that way with you. Life is more than we give it credit to be and yet too many of us live within a shell of fear and anxiety. We walk the halls of our life flinching from the slightest sound which echoes within our minds, on and on, and on. We fight against it, we try to be strong and we try to walk tall. We try to show confidence and strength. We go day to day wearing the mask of life as strong courageous human beings. But why does it have to be a mask, why does it have to hurt so much, why can’t we just be understood and accepted for who we are? Why […]

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Download ADHD eBook – share it plz

Download ADHD eBook – share it plz

Wow, what an overwhelming response from the new PDF I sent out yesterday! Thank you to all of you who responded with comments and suggestions!! Okay, I changed up the document because many of you had nearly the same suggestions. I included some of the more ‘controversial‘ articles and what seem the current favorites: Is it ADHD or bad luck & Is Sex important to someone with ADHD?. Those of you that wrote me mentioned these articles would make you more likely to share the file with others. I also included the quote that I have on my blog – it was interesting that several mentioned it; I didn’t realize it was so popular 🙂 Here’s the updated file: ADHD_A_Real_Life_Story_Bryan_Hutchinson (download) Please download the file to your computer by right clicking and using ‘save target’ or however you do it. If you send it in an email to friends send it […]

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Special Announcement Published! Brilliant Reality of ADHD

Special Announcement Published! Brilliant Reality of ADHD

I am pleased, proud and thankful to announce the publication of my new book: The Brilliant Reality of ADHD! In many ways The Brilliant Reality of ADHD is a continuation of my first book One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir and in many ways it set’s itself apart. When I started writing openly on the Internet, on this blog, I wrote strictly from my experiences, my life, my lessons learned and most of all, from my heart. I still write from all of those things and my writing has become enhanced by you, the readers. Thanks to your emails, your comments, your encouragements and yes, also your critique, my views and opinions have broadened beyond what I could have ever imagined. Thank you! A brief history: When I began writing my first book One Boy’s Struggle I had no intention of publishing it. It was an effort to get my thoughts into print for myself. After years […]

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ADHD friends with Gifts and Benefits!

ADHD friends with Gifts and Benefits!

Yeah, I wrote that title. Yeah, I said it! What are you going to do about it? I will tell you what you might do about it. I said might, because, it is up to you and this exercise is about choice. Exercise? … But first… I was reading a very nice posting by Anna on our ADDer World ADHD Social Network today and she got me thinking about something. She asked: “Is there a happy ending for people with ADD/HD?” She continued and wrote: “I thought that having a medicine and reading and learning would mean there was a cure and if I followed the yellow brick road I’d arrive where everyone else in the world already is, the city called “Normal”. I thought it meant I’d be “normal”, like everyone else and that I’d fit right in and be considered a citizen and at long last I would belong.” […]

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The Brilliant Reality of ADHD Book Sneak Peak

The Brilliant Reality of ADHD Book Sneak Peak

The proof copies of my new book The Brilliant Reality of ADHD arrived this last week! Finally! I had originally expected for a release date in February and in good old ADDer Fashion, it should now be released in July! Actually, that’s okay. I feel very good about this new book and have a feeling it will be a grand success in its own right. Many articles within the pages of The Brilliant Reality of ADHD can be found here, on ADDer World, for free. There are also articles written especially for this book and I would like to present you with a short excerpt of one of them: Wishing Well Imagine a wishing well, in your right hand is a penny and you are about to drop your penny into the wishing well to make a wish. What wish do you want to make? Ah, yes, that’s a very special wish […]

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We can be worthy, we can be proud! Don’t let anyone tell you any different!

We can be worthy, we can be proud! Don’t let anyone tell you any different!

I write from a simple, but, powerful premise: We all have good within us and we all can improve! Together we can overcome our struggles and achieve our goals. I believe we all have something inside of us that drives us forward, something that inherently lets us know that tomorrow is worth it – we might not always be convinced of this, we might not always demonstrate it, but, I believe it is there, within each and every one of us! I know full well that we face difficulties and certain times can be extremely difficult. However, with proper treatment and support we can overcome. From experience, I can tell you that living in a perpetual belief that there is no hope and using our energy to explain why there is no hope, well, creates a hopeless situation for our self. Find me a person who tells you he can’t […]

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The Gift – The Curse – The Brilliant Reality of ADHD

The Gift – The Curse – The Brilliant Reality of ADHD

I am pleased, proud and thankful to announce the publication of my new book: The Brilliant Reality of ADHD! In many ways The Brilliant Reality of ADHD is a continuation of my first book One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir and in many ways it set’s itself apart. When I started writing openly on the Internet, on this blog, I wrote strictly from my experiences, my life, my lessons learned and most of all, from my heart. I still write from all of those things and my writing has become enhanced by you, the readers. Thanks to your emails, your comments, your encouragements and yes, also your critique, my views and opinions have broadened beyond what I could have ever imagined. Thank you! A brief history: When I began writing my first book One Boy’s Struggle I had no intention of publishing it. It was an effort to get my thoughts […]

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The Brilliant Reality of ADHD Book Covers

The Brilliant Reality of ADHD Book Covers

Here are the covers to my new book The Brilliant Reality of ADHD. The Brilliant Reality of ADHD will be available in the spring of 2009. I believe it is fortuitous, in a very positive way, that my new book has been finalized on the 1st of January 2009 and on New Year’s Eve, had its 500th member join! So many members, so fast, it’s overwhelming and humbling. We move ever forward together, making each day better, brighter and abundantly, positively more constructive in every way. Happy New Year and welcome to 2009! Let’s do great things together… Back cover is undergoing final changes…  Special thanks to ADDer World members for providing ‘reader comments’ for inside the book. Special thanks to Keath Low, Nancy Ratey, Gina Pera and Dr. Charles Parker. Special thanks to Joan Hutchinson, Mindy Schwartz and Taryn Simpson for assisting me with the final editing. ~Bryan

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