Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

03 ADD ADHD Fraud

ADHD is a fad again?! Shame and Guilt are back!

ADHD is a fad again?! Shame and Guilt are back!

Seems things are going to get worse before they get better. I just read another article about ‘the myth of ADHD’ by someone who raised my eyebrows. Mr. Herr, an assistant professor in the Department of Educational Studies, Leadership and Counseling at Murray State University, wrote a recent article titled – ADHD: Has this diagnostic fad run its course? According to Mr. Herr, ADHD is a diagnostic fad! His article perfectly underscores my recent blog post about how a report in the media can be skewed by the headline (in this case the entire article). I am not going into detail about how accurate a report authored by an assistant professor of economics about ADHD children and misdiagnosis of ADHD at an early age might be (Youngest in class get ADHD label – another headline to go with my previous collection). However, people are paying attention to it and when someone who is an assistant […]

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ADD & Loving It Documentary online hosted by Patrick McKenna

ADD & Loving It Documentary online hosted by Patrick McKenna

This is by far the best video on ADHD, what it really is, that I have watched. It’s nearly an hour long, but it is well worth your time, which will pass much faster than you expect thanks to Patrick’s charming tour. The last few minutes will be especially helpful to anyone worried about the safety of ADHD medication and why it’s worth it to be treated properly. Here’s the link to the video (wish I could embed it here): Click here to go watch the video! Thanks to Brian, a member of our ADDer World ADHD Social Network for pointing out this video to me and our members! And thank you Patrick McKenna for making this video for the rest of us! Canadian comedy legend Patrick McKenna is after the truth. “Everything you think you know about A.D.D. is wrong.” In this one hour documentary he talks to researchers, specialists and […]

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  Fellow Adders I just read a troubling article about the ADHD ‘scheme’. This article tells of a lawsuit against the pharmaceutical industry, basically saying that they have expanded this disorder (ADHD) to sell their medicine to as many children as possible, even normal children. Reading this article a couple quotes stand out to me:

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ADD ADHD Awareness – What can WE do Together to raise Awareness?

ADD ADHD Awareness – What can WE do Together to raise Awareness?

Some call it minimal brain dysfunction, it’s a disorder, it’s a mental illness, it is all of the above and it is more than that and maybe, just maybe those are the wrong terms. ADD and ADHD are misunderstood with so many misconceptions out there and those that suffer from it are sometimes considered to be living a life of excuses and treated negatively when letting others know of their diagnosis. Additionally, the symptoms of ADD and ADHD, each by themselves, are very common issues that just about everyone has to some degree or another which leads to the misconceptions and denials of what ADD and ADHD is. However, ADD and ADHD are also well known for positive traits, such as creativeness, vivid imagination, inventiveness and ingenuity and so much more. Some of these traits are highly sought after and can hardly be mimicked or copied because each ADDer possesses unique characteristics which […]

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Megan Meier Tragic Death – Depression and ADHD

Megan Meier Tragic Death – Depression and ADHD

By now you have probably read or heard about the tragic suicide of Megan Meier who was only 13 years old. It is reported that Megan suffered from Depression and ADHD, a deadly, yet not so uncommon combination. Due to Megan’s suicide a lot of people are taking notice and are darn right angry! They should be, but perhaps a bit too late? Dare I say Megan deserved better? So far it seems that neighboring adults had a hand in Megan’s fate by contacting her via MySpace and writing mean, hateful messages. That in of its self is very disturbing and not simply shameful, but evil, if it is true. Having been an ADD child I know what it is like to be different and misunderstood and I had some scruffs with my peers over my behavior, but had an adult taken upon him or herself to deliberately take advantage […]

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My tears in the rain

My tears in the rain

I don’t want to count the years that have passed, it’s been a few, probably more than a few—more than a decade, could be two or three, but I remember those nights as clearly as if I was still there, sitting in the dark, nothing there, the TV off and no music playing—just me and my thoughts. So easy to get lost in my thoughts, to let them take me places I have never been, places of joy and happiness—right. Those places, places in my dreams—wanted them so badly, needed them so badly, but I was alone, so alone in my room with tears welling and emotions ebbing. Why? I asked myself the same question over and over again—why?        I could never say the right things, I could never get along with anyone and when I thought things were going great, even fantastic, the rug would always be pulled from […]

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Comments, Suggestions and Ideas

Comments, Suggestions and Ideas

The reason I created Adder World was and is to help spread understanding and awareness of ADD ADHD. I speak from experiences I have had, what I have researched and the experiences others have shared with me. I do not claim to be a doctor or any other type of medical professional. If my experiences and what I have observed and therefore write about help bring awareness and inquiry to others, then I am achieving my said goal and hopefully more. You can help me! Read on if you really, really want to help…

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The Contradiction of ADD ADHD part 1

The Contradiction of ADD ADHD part 1

People with ADD and ADHD seem to contradict themselves. At least that’s a perception I believe the general public has and a major reason why many think the disorder is bogus. Here is the contradiction: “Well, when little Jane and Jack are interested, or put their minds to something, they can accomplish anything!” What’s worrisome to me is that despite ADD ADHD being the most researched mental disorder in the modern age, the general public still questions the validity. There is no question. ADD ADHD is real. Many even blame the disorder on pharmaceutical companies. Why is that worrisome to me?

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Of US children aged 8 to 15 years, 8.7%, an estimated 2.4 million, meet DSM-IV criteria for ADHD – tip of iceberg!

Of US children aged 8 to 15 years, 8.7%, an estimated 2.4 million, meet DSM-IV criteria for ADHD – tip of iceberg!

“Of US children aged 8 to 15 years, 8.7%, an estimated 2.4 million, meet DSM-IV criteria for ADHD—according to a report by Archives of Pediatrics.” First—who cares about the report? Hopefully you do, but why do you care? That’s for you to know and you can tell us if you like. For the purpose of this article, I will tell you what I think

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Is ADD ADHD over Diagnosed? Part 2

Is ADD ADHD over Diagnosed? Part 2

As I stated in my previous article: I believe that ADD/ADHD is ‘’’under’’’ diagnosed! I have thought of a few major reasons for under diagnosis. These reasons are not, in any manner, the limit; however, they probably make up a significant portion of the under diagnosed population.

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