Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

September 2011

The Hecklers and Naysayers of People with ADHD – Recognize and Avoid Them!

The Hecklers and Naysayers of People with ADHD – Recognize and Avoid Them!

There’s a downside to ADHD that spirals many of us out of control and that is the power of hecklers and naysayers who will do and say anything and everything to get others to see the worst in themselves, their situation and life in general. You know the one’s I am talking about (hint, they are not those people who see, or point out, the best in you). They are the people who agree with everything you can’t do and explain in every way imaginable, as scientifically, historically and logically possible that because you have ADHD the challenges you face are impossible to overcome, much less to succeed in whatever endeavor you might attempt.    The hecklers and naysayers want you realize that because of ADHD you can’t do anything and because you have ADHD you will never be able to do anything. As a matter of fact, the research suggests you might […]

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Writing Difficulties and ADHD Here Are the Answers

Writing Difficulties and ADHD Here Are the Answers

  As many of you know by now I have written a new book. It is about writing! This last week I received several emails asking me quite a few questions about the new book. In this post I will answer a few of the most frequent questions. It is not published yet, so to stay updated subscribe or like my Facebook page –>.    Is the new book about ADHD and Writing?   The short answer is, no, not specifically. It is for anyone who wants to write and/or publish a book. However, I have ADHD and that means many of the methods I use to write every day have been developed for someone with ADHD. What many outside of the “ADDer World” do not always realize is that many strategies for ADHD work just as well, or, sometimes, even better, for people without ADHD (excluding medication). This means that while the new book is not […]

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How You Can Write and Publish a Book Too!

How You Can Write and Publish a Book Too!

Today is a great day! Today, I finished writing my latest book and it’s perhaps my most ambitious writing since One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir . This time, though, it is about what I love to do most, it is about writing, blogging and publishing! More specifically, it is for anyone who wants to write and publish a book, especially those who do not feel as though they are qualified to do so. I think you are. If you have a story to tell, then, yes, in my opinion you can write your story and publish it, too!   My new book explains how I did it: How I wrote my books, how I published them and how I got the word out about them and how I continue to do so. I share my writing process, how I am able to write every day, especially how I have learned to […]

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Knowing Thyself With ADHD Can Improve Quality of Life!

Knowing Thyself With ADHD Can Improve Quality of Life!

Today I read a great blog post on our ADHD Social Network. The author presented a list of things she knows about herself. This article I’ve written today is inspired by her post and the comment I added there. I often recommend therapy for people like me, with ADHD, and sometimes there is a bit of confusion as to how therapy can help and although she did not talk about therapy, her blog post still pretty much hit the nail on the head!    Therapy helps us discover who we are, the ‘whys’ behind the things we do and the patterns we have put in place for ourselves and, helps us discover the things ‘we can do well’. Too many of us with ADHD struggle trying everything we can in order to do the things we are not good at, or to be how we believe we should be, either because we have been […]

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