on: December 22, 2007
by: Bryan Hutchinson
Christmas time has always been my favorite time of the year. It’s exciting, full of bright colorful lights, music and festivities. But, most of all, Christmas takes me back to my most cherished memories. Christmas has many different meanings for each and every one of us and those differences are created by our experiences. Feelings, emotions and thoughts all seem to converge at this time of year. Don’t you agree? For better or worse and for happiness or sadness, Christmas brings it all together. I do not know of a more influential time of the year. This is my first Christmas message on Adder World and I hope many more are to come. Having a Blog has allowed me an outlet for my thoughts and the capability to hopefully help others and raise awareness about ADD and ADHD. I have been over whelmed by the amount of support and positive […]
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on: December 19, 2007
by: Bryan Hutchinson
Some call it minimal brain dysfunction, it’s a disorder, it’s a mental illness, it is all of the above and it is more than that and maybe, just maybe those are the wrong terms. ADD and ADHD are misunderstood with so many misconceptions out there and those that suffer from it are sometimes considered to be living a life of excuses and treated negatively when letting others know of their diagnosis. Additionally, the symptoms of ADD and ADHD, each by themselves, are very common issues that just about everyone has to some degree or another which leads to the misconceptions and denials of what ADD and ADHD is. However, ADD and ADHD are also well known for positive traits, such as creativeness, vivid imagination, inventiveness and ingenuity and so much more. Some of these traits are highly sought after and can hardly be mimicked or copied because each ADDer possesses unique characteristics which […]
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