Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

01 My Thoughts

Inferiority, Jealousy, Envy and Wanting – The Burdens of ADHD

Inferiority, Jealousy, Envy and Wanting – The Burdens of ADHD

It’s not something we want to talk about, it’s not something we want to admit and it is clearly something we are ashamed of. And yet, as much as we already understand our mistakes, our failures and our impulsive mishaps we do it more and more, to the point from which we see no return. ADHD are symptoms of a magnitude and force which no one, and I mean, no one, who does not have ADHD can truly empathize with, because, no matter how well they understand our symptoms and can explain them with detailed clarity, they do not live with them as part of their self-internal life force. And, as much as each of us relates so well with each other that have ADHD, there are even differences between us that elude our recognition – no matter how familiar we are with each other, and, we are, remarkably, naturally […]

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Thriving or just Surviving with ADHD – Sometimes the past gets in the way

Thriving or just Surviving with ADHD – Sometimes the past gets in the way

Some days, they pass so slowly and some days, they pass so fast. When we wake, nobody knows which type of day it will be. There can be no preconceived plans without adaptation. There can be no reality without visiting our dreamlands. There can be no pleasure without intense pain. Everything has its price and it seems to me our price is higher and higher and is too unbelievably excessive! We know we can – we know… there’s that place… right there – inside each and every one of us. You and me. That Special Feeling inside, inside our hearts, inside our minds, inside, yes, inside our very souls. When we reach it, but… oh, it’s just out of reach and so far away, and right… right there, just right there in front of us. You can see it, you can feel it and some days, on the good ones, you […]

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You have got to have something to believe in, even if you have ADHD!

You have got to have something to believe in, even if you have ADHD!

When I sit down to write an article or when I answer a question posed to me about ADHD, I pull from my experiences. And from my experiences, I would like to make one thing absolutely, positively clear: You have got to have something to believe in, even if you have ADHD! I have ADHD inside and out, from the right side of my brain to the left side and right down the middle! ADHD is not separate from who I am, it is not something which has divided a line down the middle of my brain and said this is my portion and this is where I stay. No, ADHD is part of everything I do, say and feel, act and contemplate. It is all encompassing. If I do something positive, ADHD is involved. If I do something negative, ADHD is involved. If I do something neutral, mysteriously enough, […]

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What you don’t know will hurt you!

What you don’t know will hurt you!

I was listening to an audio book recently: Challenge to Succeed by Jim Rohn. I recommend it to anyone interested in self improvement. In the audio Jim makes many good points about wealth, health and state of being. The most important point he makes is this: “What you don’t know will hurt you.” Any late diagnosed ADDer will tell you that this is too true. What if we had known 10 years, or, 20 years earlier? What if our parents had known and we were diagnosed as children? What a difference would that have made? We can deal with ‘what if’s’ all day long, but, what about today? Today there is a wealth of information available in books and on the internet. There is no reason we cannot self-educate ourselves about our condition, not in an information packed world such as ours. As anyone knows that reads my blog posts and […]

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Inside My Room – With Undiagnosed ADHD

Inside My Room – With Undiagnosed ADHD

   Out the window I can hear them play, the laughter, and the fun – the other kids from the neighborhood, playing, funning and laughing together. I don’t want to go outside. Trouble is out there. I want to stay here… Inside my room. My room is my castle, it is my spaceship, it is my universe, where I am the hero, I am the ruler – I can stay out of trouble in my room. My room is safe. I make too many mistakes. I don’t understand why I am so wrong, always wrong, always saying the wrong things. I have my room. My room is safe. Inside my room. It’s quiet. I am left alone. I can fly so high, I can soar anywhere I want to go – to the heavens so high. The universe is my home. I am the commander of a spaceship that travels […]

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The Secret – The Law of Attraction – Thoughts Become Things – One Boy’s Struggle

The Secret – The Law of Attraction – Thoughts Become Things – One Boy’s Struggle

I believe in the law of attraction, The Secret, if you will, I believe it whole heartedly. The Law of Attraction is a very sensitive subject and the cause of too many arguments and denouncements amongst a group of people who simply have not found a way to make it work for them – they are too busy believing and explaining that The Secret isn’t possible. When you read what they have to say they always seem to be protecting others from getting their hopes up or from being hurt, but, if you read closer you find the pessimism and negativity which is at the core of their very own beliefs from their very own experiences.  The bottom line is that negativity and pessimism works just as well with The Secret and seems to come naturally, especially if one has ADHD. The Law of Attraction works for me, it has […]

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There’s a feeling we all have, the feeling of something more, some kind of destiny. It’s not just fantasy, it’s not just imagination, it’s real and we can’t touch it. It’s off in the distance, just out of reach in front of our mind’s eye. We can’t clearly make out what it is, and yet, somehow, somehow we know what it is without any way of explaining it to anyone, much less ourselves. It’s there, we know it’s there… so far away. Intuition, the tug forward, to keep going because somehow, someway we are going to reach that something… whatever kind of wonderful that something must be. Is it destiny? Is it love? It could be many things and with the only clarity we possess, it is our hopes, our dreams… it is more, something so much more! Ever feel that? The wanting, the needing, the reaching… for it… We all […]

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Download One Boy’s Struggle PDF to Share and Pass Forward!

Download One Boy’s Struggle PDF to Share and Pass Forward!

PDF of The life of Bryan, the Real Life Story with ADHD  (right click and ‘save target as’ to your computer or copy the shortcut to your website)   This is a PDF containing a brief description of my book “One Boy’s Struggle” with quotes from reviewers and a couple recent blog posts. Please look it over and pass along to those who could benefit. If you happen to have a website it would be great if you would offer it as a download (you can link to it here), or alternatively, this PDF can be printed out and taken with you to doctor trips or handed out.   Thanks so much!   ~Bryan   PS: Special thanks to Mindy Schwartz  

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The ADHD Mind Never Forgets That Moment

The ADHD Mind Never Forgets That Moment

Have you ever cried? For love’s sake, have you ever cried? The tears of sorrow, the tears of wanting, needing and not having? What could have been?   The perceptions of a mind caught in the past, hopes and dreams, of the past so long ago?   There was that moment. Do you remember?   Do you remember that moment? It was there. You held love so tight and you didn’t want to let go. It was so precious, so simple, so amazing, so complex, so extraordinary… it was everything.   There was that moment.   Do you remember?   Late at night, when you wake, do you remember it so clearly? Does it ever go away? It is like you just relived it again and you know, you know you will live it again… in your mind, in your dreams. Yes… again. Those memories so strong and so resiliently […]

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Back to My Roots!

Back to My Roots!

Over the last few months I haven’t written as much as I would like here on my blog. For some strange reason I have been distracted. Figure that. Odd as that may be.   I could tell you a zillion excuses. If you know how fast I think of and write articles, you would soon realize that a zillion excuses do not qualify. Just check the sitemap 🙂   No, I had writers block. That’s what I called it, but, that’s not what it was.   I have gotten away from writing what I want to write. I have gotten away from writing what I originally set out to write and some of my articles have gone in a direction I never truly felt at one with. For a time I have been trying to mix in perceptions of others and just plain not writing from my heart.   I am […]

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