Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

01 My Thoughts

Is ADHD a Product of the Modern World?

Is ADHD a Product of the Modern World?

It’s not, but sometimes I think it is, at least partially. Maybe Leonardo da Vinci had ADHD, maybe Albert Einstein had it and maybe Genghis Khan had it too. I don’t know if they did, but if they did it didn’t stop them from reaching greatness and changing the world. When I think about it, I realize that they were special people and maybe they didn’t have ADHD, perhaps they were exactly what they were: extremely intelligent, had wonderful talents and they were especially innovative and creative. We remember and admire them for the great people they were, the great things they accomplished and yet, we do not always seriously consider their time and place in history, regarding pace. The time available to do something today is incomparable to the time that was available to do something only half a century ago, much less hundreds of years. What did you do today or just yesterday? How many […]

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Self Doubt and the ADHD Mind

Self Doubt and the ADHD Mind

As unique and different as all people are, there is something that lurks in the darkness within each of us. It is always there, it is always waiting and it has a terrible power which is always aspiring to take control. It is patient. It doesn’t want to win. It wants to own and it can find ways to possess you completely, especially in moments of emotional confrontations, letdowns and self-pity. It is self-doubt. All people, regardless of race, color or creed, experience self-doubt. Some allow it to consume them and some allow it to motivate them, but too many do not realize it has any affect at all, because it lurks within their mind disguised as realistic thinking, and in disguise it becomes something far more dangerous and devious. It becomes proven and powerful…if you let it. Self-doubt is too easy to prove, to verify, to validate – it is […]

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The NING decision to Charge Premiums – No More Free Web…Ouch!

The NING decision to Charge Premiums – No More Free Web…Ouch!

I have been reading many news posts and blog posts condemning NING for its recent bait and switch, its decision to go from a free platform to a premium platform only. I run a humble Ning community called ADDer World the ADHD Social Network and I have come to meet some wonderful, caring people who live in the world of ADD & ADHD either with it or with someone who has it, or just want to learn more from first hand experiences. It is needless to say a wonderful group and I will do everything in my power to keep it up and running! However, my positive thinking may be put to a major new test. With that said, I have already been paying premium charges to Ning, so I am not on their completely free platform anyway – so what does this mean to me? I don’t know yet. […]

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To be a Parent or Not to be a Parent

To be a Parent or Not to be a Parent

Should I have a child or should I not have a child, that is the question. And I have an answer: Thanks, but no thanks. Or, to be clearer: No, I do not want to have a cute, little adorable one of my own; I do not want to nurture or raise a baby of my own. This question has come up more times than I can remember and my answer has always been the same. Don’t get me wrong, there have been times when I have felt a little sentimental and thought, oh what would it have been like to raise a small child into an adult, but then as soon as someone says ‘Hey, you’re not too old’ well, that just ruins the whole thing for me and I remember, quite quickly in fact, that I do not want to have a baby. Nope. Yes, accidents happen, but […]

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Healing ADHD with Avatar and How to Train Your Dragon – The Child Within

Healing ADHD with Avatar and How to Train Your Dragon – The Child Within

Let’s face it, we are all just a tad too serious most of the time and we take ourselves just a little too seriously. When you are under constant threats, deadlines, making the grade or trying to improve yourself, it’s hard to let your hair down and relax, but sometimes I think that is exactly what we need to do. I am learning to relax, chill-out and not take things so dog-gone seriously. We can get way too caught up in all the things we want to do and the goals we set for ourselves that when it looks like we are not going to achieve something, anything, it becomes the biggest let down ever, you know, like EVER – the sky is falling and quickly too! Let’s just take a moment and breathe. Take that deep breath in and hold it for a few seconds, then let it out slowly. […]

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Aspire – Desire – Dreaming – Striving – for what?

Aspire – Desire – Dreaming – Striving – for what?

Do you sit alone in the dark wondering and dreaming? What are you striving for? For what do you aspire? Who are you anyway? Have you considered, deeply and thoughtfully, your mistakes and misfortunes? Have you thought about how you can change? Have you listened to the silence around you? What does it tell you? Take a moment to take measure, to take in how much you have strived and tried and the effort you have put forth to please and be everything you could possibly be. How much have you given? Oh, how much must you give? Everyday, you set forth to sail the seas of aspirations and yet try to ignore them for the simple fear of failure, because you will fail, you will never measure up. Will you indeed? It is not the accomplishments which are celebrated, but rather it is the failures that haunt and remind […]

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Is Awareness the Answer to ADHD Suffering?

Is Awareness the Answer to ADHD Suffering?

I created ADDer World, the ADHD social network not just to create awareness of and about ADHD. – Nearly everyone is already aware of ADHD unless they have been living in a remote area without TV, the Web or Newspapers for the last ten years. The problem is something else. Most do not fully understand what it is or the people who have it. That’s where the real problem is, understanding and relating. I created ADDer World so folks with ADHD can come together and discuss things we ‘get’ together. A lot of times we are not looking for specific answers or specific solutions, we just don’t want to be alone, or worse, feel like we are alone.  The truth is we don’t have to be alone. Everyone has problems with or without ADHD, we all have issues and differing dynamics and most people simply focus on their own situations and how they are going to make it […]

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The Real Problem with ADHD and Success and Happiness

The Real Problem with ADHD and Success and Happiness

Have you noticed that ADHD and Success and Happiness are not synonymous? Why aren’t they? (      ) Between the above parentheses is all the space allotted to you for giving an explanation as to why ADHD and Success and happiness are not synonymous!  Doesn’t seem like that is a fair enough amount of space? Then read on. Since we all love rules so much, here are some rules for this exercise: 1st: The first rule is that you may only go by your personal definition of success and happiness. (If you don’t have one, that could pose as a problem, but perhaps this assignment will free you enough to create your very own, personal definition.) 2nd: The very important second rule is that you may not identify success and happiness with what others would have you identify them with or as. This means you may not use rules (this rule is […]

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The Beauty of Writing – Lessons in Writing

The Beauty of Writing – Lessons in Writing

“Dancing with the feet is one thing, but dancing with the heart is another.” Author unknown One of the most frequent inquiries that I get is about writing. It’s a funny thing, writing, you don’t have to be very good at it to do it and I am not very good at it. Some say I am, some say I am not and some are in-between.  It’s nice to hear that someone has enjoyed something I have written, and it is painful to hear that my writing isn’t all that good. Either way, I benefit from my ADHD mind in that I don’t focus on criticism too long (not all criticism anyway). It’s not that I don’t care, because trust me, I do care, but one way or the other I just keep on writing. My thoughts and fingers love to dance. For me, what’s the most bizarre, is when someone asks me […]

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Just another Call to Arms! Adult ADHD

Just another Call to Arms! Adult ADHD

Have you noticed that adult ADHD is making more news lately? As a matter of fact I just read that approximately 65% of children with ADHD will grow into adults with ADHD, or rather ADD.  I personally suspect that the percentage is much higher. It’s impossible to know how many adults are wondering around undiagnosed, but it’s estimated to be in the millions. I was diagnosed when I was 37 and in recent years I have met a remarkable number of adults diagnosed at a later age, some cases much later. This of course lends to the belief that ADHD isn’t real. How can so many people have it? I don’t know, but we do. Adult ADHD is about as much a myth as Childhood ADHD. There is no myth about ADHD except for those who blow it off because they do not understand it.  Most people who don’t know much about me […]

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